I agree somewhat but i think ur only talking about when its about white people but theres different standards btn black people and other minority groups like what if the person used in the comparison is asian and the one being racist would never do that stuff when it concerns someone black but finds it fine with other poc groups as u say reply
I was a lot like that when I was younger, although I didn't say it out loud. What really helped me was getting a real friend. At the time I felt like no one really liked me and that I was just there existing but not really wanted or needed. What I really needed was to make new friends haha, which I couldn't rlly do until high school when we weren't...... reply
Personally irl whenever blowjobs come up in conversation (which is rare) every girl I know (me included) aren't willing to do blowjobs, but on the internet and in shows I feel like its the opposite case and they're treated as not only normal but like its weird not to do them. Are guys genuinely upset if their girlfriends dont agree to give blowjobs? Sorry I feel like all i know about sex comes from this site unfortunately and Im kind of concerned.
I feel like my mom is way too harsh with my looks sometimes on the smallest things. This comes from just now when my mom looked at me with shock and concern after I took my shirt off, asking, "Did your boobs deflate?" and now I've spent the last 10 minutes searching up what makes boobs deflate It's always a new issue and it's really hard on my self esteem. Like when I was younger and she gave me a whole speech on how there's two types of noses in the world and I have the potato kind. Or how I sounded like a witch when I laughed. Etc etc. Sometimes, its too much. She's also kind of hypocritical. Like one day she's saying your thighs are too thin like sticks, and then I gain some weight I guess and she's like damn look at those thighs you should cut back a little. But my weight is the same why give me needless insecurities....