I have questions. So why tf is she so damn naive and slow, like no offense but yea. Like she should at least know technique from being a sword. Like did she only purify, what kind of sword is she. Also how does she know all these people after being a sword, and she isn’t a badass whose smart as hell. Like being a sword should’ve taught you some shit about people. also swords don’t have emotions, so how she all like that it’s just weird to me idk. Like a background of her trying to understand human emotions would be so fucking dope. As well as her using her powers to help people. Or she can come to understand the world more using her knowledge as a sword. She’s definitely older than 18 being a sword I was expecting wisdom. I don’t mind her personality but this happens so often. girls go from badass for a few chapters to slow the entire story. They go from slow to damsel in distress 24/7. From left to right, like they’re suppose to be great fighters and bad asses, then they’re saved by the dude the entire story. I’m not hating on the story, I’m just hoping this doesn’t end up like one of those stories. I just hope she becomes a bad ass before she developes a hopeless damsel in distress personality. I actually enjoyed the few chapters I read and hope it updates soon. I just hope it doesn’t piss me off like most stories .

I feel so bad for the mom. The mc over here, in another world gonna get a happy ending and shit, like most stories like this. then the moms just there depressed, from the loss of not only her husband. but now her daughter whom she was waiting for, because she hates being lonely. She would literally wait for her daughter. Not only that they loved one another they were the only family each other had. Fuck I’m gonna cry bro. I hope the mom doesn’t commit suicide or die from shock. Hopefully the little girl is alive as well, and maybe they just swapped places.

The stories not bad and I like the facial expressions she makes. She actually acts like she isn’t a child as well I guess. I just wish they just explained it better and are more detailed about it. Two others mentioned a bit of what I’m about to say, before I got the chance lol. but I’m just gonna go into more detail about it. No offense but all her lives on earth were literal shit. She doesn’t know how to express love either, she was the first human ever. She didn’t have someone to express love to, she was basically the rough draft, perfect in every way except one (love).everyone gave love to her and fought over her. They never asked her if she loved them etc. They just gave it to her really, and god was just like imma punish you for not returning it. so it’s not common sense to her nor is it something she understands. She has a great memory, a good war fighter, a natural leader, and she is also a beauty etc. She’s probably tired of everyone’s shit tbh she just wants to die she’s literally immortal. As for the lives on earth we know about. She was a beggar whom everyone ignored. She was married to a drunkard who didn’t love her. She was forced to be the queen, and all the women tried to make her marry their sons for power. She was never truly loved nor did anyone express those emotions to her truly. So she herself doesn’t understand, so in a way that’s probably why that thing she calls “god” said she might never understand/know I guess.

Okay so the ML is blunt defended her and doesn’t sugar coat shit, I already like him. I’m glad he’s like that with her, or else she would never learn. he’s blunt but never insults nor touches her without permission, defends her when people try to. she’s to delicate and slow even though it’s not her fault it kinda is. she was never taught anything because she didn’t want to learn, and her brother said she didn’t have to. so she’s a bit stupid with childish ideas. yet again she also never tried nor wanted to learn so she doesn’t understand anything so I’m not gonna point fingers on whose fault it is, the blame goes both ways. Although the fml annoyed me a bit a few times I’m honestly really happy with how fast she’s adapting and having character growth. But to be as weak as to not even hold anything heavier than silver ware i think. how she go save her brother I get it she’s suppose to be delicate but that’s just sad. I know some way some how it’ll happen but seriously. Also She seemed proud to be a trophy wife. ( one of the parts that annoyed me) she wanted to marry the red head and make him do all the work yet he left her because he wouldn’t benefit. She also agreed to the sword thing because it’d make her prettier/skinner and have men lining up to her. Girl your main priority is your brother yet she was deceived by a floating ball of light. She “hesitated” then agreed. i feel she should’ve been more reassured when she knew for sure her brother could be saved instead of those things being added on. it just made her seem like she only cares about her looks. she does care about her looks, but she sticks with the journey despite that’s to save her brother.
Ex: when the Ml tries to get a rise out of her to see if she really wants to do this journey. she told him she’d do it no matter the cost it was bad ass I’m happy to see her actually growing as a character. Instead of being annoying i hope she actually learns to fight, get smarter, grow stronger, and grows as a person in general honestly I’m looking forward to it.
Ps I’m not sure who the ml is I’ve been referring to the black haired dude as ml though

Also when I say he doesn’t insult her i mean in a way to hurt her. He does it for her that’s what it seems like to me. He knows she’s weak being nice and coddling her won’t do plus that’s not him. He isn’t her brother he’s himself he needs character development yes but they all do. He isn’t abusing her nor taking advantage of her neither does he allow other people to. So to me he seems pretty decent to me so far.

Bro the dad allowing these “young hot women” to fuck his son, who's in a coma. just to find a young woman in her 20’s who won't fuck his son so he can date and fuck her. Like wtf, I srsly can not, not only that the fathers a fucking stalker. I'm so lost I can't the women always naked the guys are all perverts. Someone fucks every five seconds mainly the son like wtf ain't you in a coma dude.

I find this comic weird aswell, but, no hes not in a coma
hes just completely paralyzed
thats 1 of the reasons hes hiring maids (to care for him, feed him, bathe him.. ect, my aunts paralyzed and has multiple helpers who come in multiple times a day),
the second reason is, he wants to find a young hot woman who doesn't have sex whenever, basically just wants a woman who saves her virginity for the person they really love.

That would make more sense tbh but it did say comma that’s why I said that. But paralyzed would make more sense. Also I understood that but If that old man don’t go on a date or dating website instead of sending these random woman to his son just cause they good looking. He don’t even look at they resume they could’ve been murders resume could’ve been forged etc. He crazy that’s all I’m tryna say.
the ml can’t communicate. can’t express himself nor his emotions well. loves the fml and doesn’t know how to show her love, other than giving her material things. ( the excessive gifts he sends her and the bitch in law sends back. saying the fml doesn’t want them. I’m saying this because she didn’t even know about the dresses and gifts etc. She thinks he’s having an affair). The ml thinks money can solve everything because he had a shitty child hood, and learned the value of money and how valuable it is.
He has one thing right though The world revolves around money. you have money your good you don’t your fucked. He probably thought she wouldn’t love him anymore if he didn’t have money. plus the money SHE was “spending”. wasn’t even her, it was those bitch ass in laws and her dumb ass stupid ass petty ass brother. So he out here making all this money to make her happy and they spending that shit. And making it seem like she’s all good and happy. (Remember the bitch in law sent a letter to the ml, but the fml was in his body and the bitch in law was telling him how the fml cut her hair and to compliment her.)
they both seeing things completely different. he think shes well and has all the money in the world to spend but doesn’t like him. keeps sending his gifts back ain’t making small talk no more. only wants him to come to parties because others want him there. She thinks he hates her and doesn’t care for her and thinks she’s a bother to everyone around her. But they’re starting to realize that now, especially the ml. He seeing everything isn’t as sweet as he thought it was with the fml.
As for the affection thing People love in different ways. some love with affection and physically. Others materialistically and lavishly. Some love cute relationships others toxic relationships. It depends on the person, the fml likes affection and the ml thinks she likes money. They didn’t meet each other before they were married like people do now. They met on their wedding day, literally. So they really don’t know shit about each other. She doesn’t know his personality neither does he know hers. they’re only just starting to know each other, after the fmls suicide attempts and body swapping. Which is the most shittiest way to get to know someone. Remember he doesn’t know they swap because she commits suicide.
Okay so the beginning of what I said cut off. idk why but it did, I was talking bout the fml as well as some other stuff but I forgot.
The first person I talked about was the fml. Because she can’t say what she needs to say. She’s always making up answers. or already thinking of answers the ml is going to give her, with out asking him, or telling him what she needs to say. Which is annoying. I understand that she may be worried or something. but closed mouths don’t get fed, she has to speak up and Ik she can she’s done it several times as the ml. But her personality gives me whiplash she’s all brave and shit as the ml. but timid as fuck as her self. Ik confidence plays a big role in that but if she doesn’t punch a bitch I will.
Another thing she clearly has depression, suicidal thoughts, committed suicide twice. etc. The list goes on with her. I wanted to say this because they both have problems not just the ml. Her problems may have only been for three years but to her it felt like forever. The ml on the other hand went through shit his whole life. His childhood etc. Shaped his personality. So i can’t hate him. when people go through things or shit happens people change. Or it makes them who they are.
( I’m not hating on her though. I’m just pointing out facts on both sides. I didn’t want to just go in on the ml. they both have problems like all relationships do ).
i agree with everything but the fml ALWAYS get interrupted when she try and speak up ESPECIALLY WITH THE ML LIKE COME ON LET HER SPEAK FOR ONCE i guess she got more confidence to talk in the ml's body cause people are naturally intimidated by him? but ugh yeah overall this shit is FRUSTRATING