Rosetta red May 29, 2021 6:42 pm

Why she change everything to pink in the first ch. I almost threw up, she took all the black and red away and went full on glitz Barbie ch 1. I don’t mind her getting rid of the whole skulls, spiders, and bones but really all that pink coulda killed me. Like I went straight to comment as soon as I saw her on that couch in all that pink. My family is a big believer in girls should like pink so yea I’ll read this later. no hate though i actually like the art.

Rosetta red May 28, 2021 8:55 pm

I actually don’t mind if this story doesn’t have any romance. I like the story so far, it’s funny asl and tbh deer boy and the maid are my favorites. Deer boy’s not like the annoying blonde prince or the black haired prince. The black haired prince is okay I guess, but the fml clearly don’t want nothing to do with either of them. Deer boy wants to genuinely help her and is grateful towards her she even chose his dress. he’s a total cutie and simp the way he worries for her. I wish we saw more of him instead of that Pissy hay haired prince. in all honesty he had the best taste in dresses that blue dress was cute on her. But we all know it’s probably gonna be the black haired dude, who she gets with if she does fall for someone.

    SaphireE90 May 28, 2021 10:25 pm

    Same, I wish there more stories where the focus is just about the FL and he adventures. Romance is okay, but it should not be the end game or the whole point to the story.

    Rosetta red May 29, 2021 7:20 am
    Same, I wish there more stories where the focus is just about the FL and he adventures. Romance is okay, but it should not be the end game or the whole point to the story. SaphireE90

    Exactly I agree on that 100000000000% I usually don’t like most fmls because they’re either annoying as fuck. go back to the dudes that abuse them. dumb down for romance with the ml or to be saved. Are badass then turn slow in a matter of like 3 chapters Etc. But recently there have been a lot bad ass fmls, I’ve been reading about, it’s sad they all revolve around men. But I’m glad people aren’t stuck in the mindset of cutesy, airhead, always in the way, fmls who don’t know shit or can’t do shit. That’s one reason why I stopped watching anime as much as I used to. Female characters are always annoying not all but majority. I feel they’re doing better with making women strong. but they either kill them off, make them villains, give them a man whose stronger, make them a whole clan of women like that, or the only woman in the world that isn’t normal because she’s strong, last but not least they don’t give them as much screen time, as the annoying ones.

Rosetta red May 28, 2021 5:28 am

Pls update

Rosetta red May 27, 2021 4:08 pm

I thought this bitch was annoying and cringy asl. I had to stop reading a few times in hope of character development. The way the stories written is a bit sloppy. like, its everywhere. The only thing she thinks about is Raon. So, she ain’t remember her parents. her past life. If she alive or not.

I feel like, they tried to hard with the whole edgy teen thing idk. The “I don’t eat with my parents like normal teenagers” scenario was just embarrassing/cringey to me the way she said it etc. Then there’s her personality. she’s so creepy and childish to me, like she follows this dude every where, and clings to him. She even says she cares for him more than herself.

she still crazy, but I feel it dies down a bit after she’s like 14-15. Because before she literally threatened the knights and looked through like 7-9 mountains to find this dude with one knight. she did this with out raon even knowing. he ain’t even want her there she threatened to use his father against him.

Idk, i know it’s suppose to be out love, but she ain’t right, and the story is also rushed at certain parts. like, with raon almost killing his father, them aging, etc. Also It’s like they emphasize on the fact that’s she’s a crazy stalker, she says it herself several times as well. It’s just weird to me how she claims herself as a stalker and knows it but won’t stop.

I can say this though, there are only two scenes I genuinely liked. the scene where the inn keeper calls him her brother, and he mopes about it. And when she confess to him and he blushes like a damn tomato lol.

I’m still confused on how he still likes her. after she literally used to torture him and now she’s obsessed with him. he don’t find it weird the 360 personality change. Ik he noticed the flower thing but still. It’s kinda like those cliches when the fml is abused by the mls in the past, but they still find a way to love them. Also yes Ik the bitchy fml and the stalker one are two different people. I just wanted to clarify

    Swyoon May 27, 2021 4:29 pm

    I honestly couldn't have said it better. Unfortunately, I dropped it at like chp13 since her stalkyness was to much for me. Like, she literally abused him. No one is a saint, and if you are, I feel so freakin bad for you. Honestly feel like this man is just so deprived of love that he'd except any.

    And yea, the stalky FL is rly annyoying, and she even admits to forcing herself into his life which she has no right with the body that she possesses.

    In my opinion, it would be more enjoyable if she just like silently fan-girled over him, while slowly making him realize she was different now. It would still be messed up, but not as much.

    natsuhi May 27, 2021 4:42 pm
    I honestly couldn't have said it better. Unfortunately, I dropped it at like chp13 since her stalkyness was to much for me. Like, she literally abused him. No one is a saint, and if you are, I feel so freakin b... Swyoon

    Agreed. The pacing of the story is just too off

    Rosetta red May 27, 2021 5:00 pm
    I honestly couldn't have said it better. Unfortunately, I dropped it at like chp13 since her stalkyness was to much for me. Like, she literally abused him. No one is a saint, and if you are, I feel so freakin b... Swyoon

    I 100000% agree to that. she should’ve slowly and properly rather than jumping on him. he’s gonna be confused on love. no one loved him, then all of sudden the girl who tortured him is obsessed and “loves” him. I feel like the mental trauma is high in this one but is being ignored.

Rosetta red May 24, 2021 9:46 pm

Why they change the names from BIBI to VIVI and Evryen to Evleyn I don’t mind vivi but really Evelyn ☠

Rosetta red May 11, 2021 8:23 pm

I’m rooting for the mysterious and handsome white haired knight or the cute puppy red haired dude.

    Ann May 24, 2021 12:05 pm

    Same (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    NIPHY May 25, 2021 2:35 am
    Same (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Ann

    I found my people!

    Rosetta red May 25, 2021 5:58 am
    I found my people!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ NIPHY

    welcome home

Rosetta red May 11, 2021 5:21 am

I- how she acting more like a child then the actual children. she transmigrated, and went back in time. how old is you again miss girl. nah, like really let’s add these numbers up. jade act more mature than her it’s embarrassing I can’t.

How she notice jade ain’t acting the same as he did when they first met and think it’s normal. Y’all spent all that time together and she don’t think it’s sus. Another thing she look exactly like her momma and she don’t think jade might’ve been talking bout her. She alive and her momma is clearly deceased. girl I don’t think he has a thing for married corpses nor a painting fetish. he clearly flirts with her and she be thinking back on it. Is she confused or is it me overthinking.

Idk why people try so hard to pass the ditzy, smart but a lil slow, straight forward, airhead, strong then gets weak when the mls come type of fml. Like literally the fml get weaker so the ml can protect her 34/7. Fml’s changes in stories can either 5% improve or drastically go down hill from the already good or trash story. we have those few good stories with baddies as fmls thank god but child idk.

I hope this story doesn’t become slow. The stories not bad the fml just needs to use her brain more. Like literally, we don’t even know if she can go back home, she could be dead. We don’t know what time, she’s gonna go home it might’ve been years since she left. or that same day she transmigrated We don’t know. neither does she, they’re so many things that can wrong with that. we also don’t know, if the person who told her she can go back was even telling the truth. They might’ve been lying or been a clue to jade. because jade has powers and he clearly has feelings for her. going back in time would make sense, if he was in love with her. Plus if that so called god allowed her to go back home. how would that god be overpowered by a human with powers.

    GodUsoppsUnderling May 11, 2021 6:09 am

    I guess she’s beginning to become mentally a 10 year old lmfao

    Greyishin May 11, 2021 6:22 am

    I guess her mentality age also travel back in time

    GodUsoppsUnderling May 11, 2021 6:24 am
    I guess her mentality age also travel back in time Greyishin

    I mean you are acting like a kid so your mentality do drop

    Rosetta red May 11, 2021 3:24 pm
    I mean you are acting like a kid so your mentality do drop GodUsoppsUnderling

    What I mean is, she doesn’t have to act like a child though. she could just be herself. she’s said it multiple times, she feels as though jade is teaching her or being more adult like than her. She clearly has a great memory and is smart if she can remember her transmigrated life. her life before she went back in Time etc. I just wish she didn’t have to act like some slow spoiled child. bullying the ml then feeling bad, then being childish that’s just me though.

Rosetta red May 10, 2021 3:52 pm

What if the white haired witch hunter is a male witch or creature. It just seems like it to me, maybe hypnotic eyes or something idk.

if he is it makes sense. He may use it to, harass or sexually harasses woman regardless if their a witch or not. he seems arrogant and depends on his looks and speed alone. remember his speed, when we first saw that black stuff around him when the fml was avoiding him. he said she was the first woman to ESCAPE or reject him. He obviously doesn’t care, whether a woman tries to say no to him or not. It’s because he uses his strength to his advantage.

He could’ve done worse things to witches just because there “witches” good or bad it clearly doesn’t matter. Plus the main reason he likes the fml is because she’s pretty and he likes the chase. Not only that but he gets paid to catch or kill witches regardless, so it doesn’t matter what he does to them no one cares.

He seems like a bad guy in general though. his partner just doesn’t know that though. whenever he does something, he’s not with his partner or leaves the brown haired partner behind.

I’m just guessing though idk what he is. I’ve seen so many stories with dumb ass or annoying villains that It’s just sad at this point. So this is just my own intake on it I guess. But yea idk I do like the story though.

Rosetta red May 8, 2021 7:31 am

Me reposting my comment because the ml slander is on the same level as his in laws. we all know he slow, but damn y’all going in on him idk whether to laugh or feel sorry for him .
the ml can’t communicate. can’t express himself nor his emotions well. loves the fml and doesn’t know how to show her love, other than giving her material things. ( the excessive gifts he sends her and the bitch in law sends back. saying the fml doesn’t want them. I’m saying this because she didn’t even know about the dresses and gifts etc. She thinks he’s having an affair). The ml thinks money can solve everything because he had a shitty child hood, and learned the value of money and how valuable it is.

He has one thing right though The world revolves around money. you have money your good you don’t your fucked. He probably thought she wouldn’t love him anymore if he didn’t have money. plus the money SHE was “spending”. wasn’t even her, it was those bitch ass in laws and her dumb ass stupid ass petty ass brother. So he out here making all this money to make her happy and they spending that shit. And making it seem like she’s all good and happy. (Remember the bitch in law sent a letter to the ml, but the fml was in his body and the bitch in law was telling him how the fml cut her hair and to compliment her.)

they both seeing things completely different. he think shes well and has all the money in the world to spend but doesn’t like him. keeps sending his gifts back ain’t making small talk no more. only wants him to come to parties because others want him there. She thinks he hates her and doesn’t care for her and thinks she’s a bother to everyone around her. But they’re starting to realize that now, especially the ml. He seeing everything isn’t as sweet as he thought it was with the fml.

As for the affection thing People love in different ways. some love with affection and physically. Others materialistically and lavishly. Some love cute relationships others toxic relationships. It depends on the person, the fml likes affection and the ml thinks she likes money. They didn’t meet each other before they were married like people do now. They met on their wedding day, literally. So they really don’t know shit about each other. She doesn’t know his personality neither does he know hers. they’re only just starting to know each other, after the fmls suicide attempts and body swapping. Which is the most shittiest way to get to know someone. Remember he doesn’t know they swap because she commits suicide.

    Rosetta red May 8, 2021 7:35 am

    The first person I talked about was the fml. Because she can’t say what she needs to say. She’s always making up answers. or already thinking of answers the ml is going to give her, with out asking him, or telling him what she needs to say. Which is annoying. I understand that she may be worried or something. but closed mouths don’t get fed, she has to speak up and Ik she can she’s done it several times as the ml. But her personality gives me whiplash she’s all brave and shit as the ml. but timid as fuck as her self. Ik confidence plays a big role in that but if she doesn’t punch a bitch I will.

    Another thing she clearly has depression, suicidal thoughts, committed suicide twice. etc. The list goes on with her. I wanted to say this because they both have problems not just the fml. Her problems may have only been for three years but to her it felt like forever. Since her whole life she was a sheltered spoiled princess (I don’t mean spoiled in a bad way. I mean that she literally had everything the bitch was rich, rich a full blown princess). The ml on the other hand went through shit his whole life. His childhood etc. Shaped his personality. So i can’t hate him. when people go through things or shit happens people change. Or it makes them who they are.

    ( I’m not hating on the either them. I’m just pointing out facts on both sides. I didn’t want to just go in on the ml. they both have problems like all relationships do).

    Rosetta red May 8, 2021 8:20 am

    Also when I say or feel sorry for him. I meant that yall make him out to be one of the shittiest of mls. Especially when there are so many more, mls yall don’t hate on. This ain’t me liking this ml either. I’m just genuinely asking why some of y’all do this.

    Examples shitty mls who kill the fml (transmigration or back in time stories it don’t matter). like they killed her whole original self basically. (that might not make sense but yea the first her, before the transmigration or reincarnation) killed her and her personality and then they fall in love with her the second time cause she “different”.

    lmfaooo the fmls be slow as hell as well for falling back in love with them just pure stupidity. Also why the fmls so damn innocent and slow and never start off as a baddie or is always a bitch. As stories go on they continue off as a baddie and turn Barbie all the damn time . that shits messy, also do they magically forget the trauma and become docile rather than more aware and attentive. what happened to the trauma. or for some stories the rape etc. Trauma Just suddenly goes away. Mls do all that to the fmls and some of yall say it’s all in the past. like wtf, some of yall need help. that’s all imma say y’all need literal help.

    Also again I’m not tryna make this ml seem great cause he still ain’t shit either I’m being honest. he needs better communication skills. so he can show the fml how he truly feels not just through gifts, she ain’t receiving. She needs your time love and affection she don’t want your money.

    I just want answers on why some think that if it happened in the past it stays in the past and it’s okay because only she remembered and he doesn’t

Rosetta red May 5, 2021 6:53 pm

To the team trying to snipe this group. suck my big barley cock and chock on it respectfully please.

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