Rosetta red May 9, 2020 9:34 am

Nahhh she shoulda whipped his ass a few more times fuck what oh dude said

Rosetta red May 2, 2020 11:40 pm

Bro i do not like the male lead at all bro I've read to the part where he and lelel are on the plane back and to be honest im disappointed he literally has like 10k girlfriends lele was annoying at first when she played pranks on the 1st girl he brought she was jealous he was seeing other girls but he was already known as a playboy she even saw his phone and how it was numbered "baby 1 etc. " or how he forgot which girlfriend was which while talking on the phone and had his secretary tell him but with his 2nd girl she decided to be friends with her and party and be a normal 17 year who wants a boyfriend and wants to live a bit while partying then the ml comes with one of his other girls the 3rd one ive seen and sees her and makes lele leave and gets mad at her not only that he disses her not once but twice saying shes not his childhood friend or sweet heart his mom pityed her cause her mom died and dad abonded her etc. Just tells her a bunch of bullshit like no one would want to marry her or be with her thats so fucking fuxked up emtional and mental abuse Like not only does he say rude shit to her right to her face he doesnt even try to apologize he just asks to see her and to get married because he knows she still likes him and he magically realizes his feelings for her like wtf i just can't with this story im debating whether or not i should keep reading this shit (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Rosetta red May 2, 2020 11:42 pm

    Oh and the fl isnt any better shes dumb as all fucks just fucking stupid ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Rosetta red April 29, 2020 9:02 am

Bro am i the only one who likes the male lead the only reason hes acting evil is to protect his siblings his uncle killed his father and threatened to hurt his brothers even if it made his brothers hate him or feel betrayed he did it all to protect them his family while also protecting the people and the sad thing is his brothers dont even know it so the third prince is plotting against him and not only that but the ml is seen as evil yet he keeps the princess/fl alive because of his fathers dying wish and his obvious crush on her when they first met as children you could tell she liked the ml and he liked her and him now that he's older if u observe and read it thoroughly you'll catch the little things i honestly don't mind the male lead plus the female lead is pretty smart and badass unlike most fl's being the damsel in distress im suspicious of the third brother tho the blonde who keeps trying to win over the fl he obviously has ulterior motives which was even said by the third prince him self the fifth prince the gray haired one

    Rosetta red April 29, 2020 9:21 am

    Note when i say smart and badass i mean when she tripped the private maid aswell as when she made it seem as if the other maid who stole the gem never planted it on her and in fact got the other maid to put the gem back on the private maid the one who tried to frame her she was quiet the sly fox also when the wine barrels fell over she took the blame and got something out of it from the maid she helped amd got food to eat

    Rosetta red April 29, 2020 9:24 am
    Note when i say smart and badass i mean when she tripped the private maid aswell as when she made it seem as if the other maid who stole the gem never planted it on her and in fact got the other maid to put the... Rosetta red

    She can get people on her side and observe and adapt to the situation when she was a princess shw was a bit bratty but i dont recall her hit her maids at all shes a bot more observant and smartee with dealing with situations

    Rosetta red April 29, 2020 9:25 am
    She can get people on her side and observe and adapt to the situation when she was a princess shw was a bit bratty but i dont recall her hit her maids at all shes a bot more observant and smartee with dealing w... Rosetta red

    Lol srry for the few grammar errors my keyboard's broke so it takes me time to type and fix them and i sometimes forget to fix them

Rosetta red April 19, 2020 12:42 pm

Lila telling the fl to give her her husband pissed me tf off like wtf saying "give him back" like all the men belong to her each of them individually deserve happiness she stole the fl bestfriend/sister inlaws hubby now she tryna steal the fl's aswell bitch find someone you like who aint married or got a lover and settle down this aint a harem nor does anyone want your skanky ass and anyone who does is fucking delusional she literally made the ml's sister cry well half sister but still she honestly loved the prince until that happened but im proud she gave him up and saw her worth to not cling to a guy uninterested and blind and yet we got lila selfish ass over here tryna seduce all the men so she can feel satisfied bro if the fl dont stomp this bitch i will I'll air fight her ass through the screen

Im srry for range ranting and for the vulgar language i just really had to let all that out since i rlly do like this story im really excited to see what happens next again i apologize T-T

Rosetta red April 14, 2020 1:15 pm

Tbh i stopped reading this i do not like the business dude (red eyes black hair dude) with the fiance she crazy as hell she to obsessed with how much she inlove with him and he over here making her more crazy and hes an asshole i honestly don't want the fl to be with him i can't even keep reading i never stop reading something even if its boring etc. I wait it out and just finish bcus you never know what could happen i might grow to like it idk know or it might actually be a good story but this story its like the author killed her off just to force her into one bad thing after another and shes probably gonna end up with a bad dude even after she dies and comes back after years the business guy (dude with red eyes and black hair) even tho he has a fiance and tbh he to obsessed with fl its kinda creepy same with how his fiance to obsessed with the fl she did plastic surgery and every thing to look like th fl lead

Rosetta red March 31, 2020 7:58 am

Pls keep updating T-T tyyyyyyy so much

Rosetta red February 7, 2020 11:51 pm

U guys do know that's incest she was adopted by their family and is their sister since their family that's disgusting just because they're being nice to each other doesn't mean they like each other their 7 and like 10 around those ages there like toddlers ☠ theres no need to ship everything

    Mysty_Suxckx February 7, 2020 11:59 pm

    People really out here wildin

    Ccyi February 8, 2020 2:08 am

    Adopted, yeah. But they're still not related but blood so it's not really incest.

    Ccyi February 8, 2020 2:08 am


    Mysty_Suxckx February 8, 2020 3:27 am
    Adopted, yeah. But they're still not related but blood so it's not really incest. Ccyi

    Adopted or not, that's her BROTHER. Family isn't just about blood. Also he doesn't like her romantically, it's a sibling bond.

    prk_ncl February 11, 2020 12:14 am

    The ML is definitely Eugene. My theory would be this: Hari said that Eugene was nice to her when they were older but he would always have an expression like he’s keeping a secret. I don’t think it’s necessarily romantic feelings tho or Eugene realized he had romantic feelings for her a little late, that’s why he wasn’t the one who was gonna walk her down the isle.

    By going back in time and getting Eugene to be nice to her when she was younger would probably speed things up and Eugene would realize earlier that he was in love with Hari.

    Tho right now I think he just wants to be a proper older brother to her but Eugene is definitely the ML and Johan is a secondary. The brothers are probably just missing Arina so the blushes and stuff are probably them being embarrassed of their previous bad behaviour and feel awkward being nice to Hari.

    As of right now, Eugene’s feelings probably aren’t romantic and it’s just him being shy and awkward to care for Hari.

    Eggu_chan February 12, 2020 5:30 am

    That's not how incest works you dumbshit. You have to be related first for it to count. The only reason why incest is bad is because 1st of all, diddling your relatives is just gross. 2nd of all, search up results of inbreeding. Hari is not blood related to ANYONE in that family, it would only be a problem if Hari and the brothers grows up treating eachother as family. That we'll have to see first.

    Also it's already been confirmed by novel readers that the older brother is the ML. It's not people shipping in the comments, they're talking straight facts.

    Rosetta red February 9, 2021 8:24 am
    That's not how incest works you dumbshit. You have to be related first for it to count. The only reason why incest is bad is because 1st of all, diddling your relatives is just gross. 2nd of all, search up resu... Eggu_chan

    First off bitch ik how incest works. I said it's incest, because their family adopted her into their family to be their daughter. She’s their sister everyone knows her as their sister. Blood related or not you don't have to share blood to be family. you sound stupid their clearly family as I said. and that’s what everyone knows them as plus their both engaged to people who aren’t family to them. So as I said it’s incest.

    Rosetta red February 9, 2021 8:29 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Atrisa777

    Uhm sweetie, I’m allowed to comment freely just as you are. your uncomfortable because you know it’s wrong. I didn’t know the brother was the ml at first when I read this. which is why finding out I commented and later dropped it. I’m not a go with a flow type of person. If I feel something looks weird or feels wrong I’m going to state my opinion then later decide if I’m dropping it or not as I did. I’m no longer reading this, I’m just replying to the comments I never responded to.

    Rosetta red February 9, 2021 7:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Atrisa777

    Uhm, well it’s your own fault for not being the least bit suspicious or uncomfortable but okay. You said I’m making others uncomfortable with my comment yet your not uncomfortable I’m confused but okay. How would you know others are uncomfortable if you, your self don’t feel uncomfortable after all your reading a comment through a screen you can’t see facial expressions. Also how is gl and bl wrong. nothings wrong with being gay I-. incest, pedophilia, rape, abuse, etc. Is wrong and disgusting. not bl and gl same sex couples are okay. The things I listed are what’s wrong in this world and so on. Loving someone should never be considered a sin regardless of race and gender.

    Ps. The people who read this, but hate. probably have there own problem I don’t know. Possibly, their hoping for a plot change. or want to come around to it but can’t. somebody told me they're sticking around only because of the art. that’s not me though if I don’t like a story I leave. as I’ve said, I’m not reading this anymore. neither I nor you have the right to tell someone to not read it because it’s honestly not our choice to decide. At the end of the day hate is hate you can either like something or dislike it. Which is what we’ve both done I dislike this you like it. I commented, you responded, to my comment with your own opinion on the subject. We both have differences and that’s okay. I honestly think I won’t come around to liking this as I’ve said it’s just not my cup of tea. I just put my own opinion of the story out there. some agree and some disagree and that’s okay. Not everyone’s going to agree with me and I’m fine with that. Your free to think as you like on the subject though.

Rosetta red January 18, 2020 10:37 pm

Mitsuba x kou
Hanako x yashiro
I ship them so badddddddd
Kou was literally going to die to be with mitsuba, but mitsuba stopped him. Their a perfect couple, especially the part where kou was in bed with all mitsuba's pictures. hanako x yashiro, so many reasons I ship them there such a cute couple. I love how hanako, always gets jealous of yashiro when kous around. He always pushes kou away from yashiro and hugs her.

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