The fml kinda annoying and i don’t ship her with the MC . she’s smart and all but to obsessive over the MC, it’s annoying. she literally won’t let this dude breath or talk to other people without getting jealous if he’s gone to long even when she knows the MC’s doing it to help her. The MC likes her but I don’t see any romantic feelings in it. it’s more like a guardian overseeing and helping with things.
Also I don’t find the prince stupid he’s acting his age they’re literally 12. the MC is just mentally older than the rest of them. And that’s how he basically raised the fml to be more mature. he said it himself he’s living his life raising the fml. and most of the people that worked for the fmls family are older.
Plus we can see all the maids and butlers teaching the kids as the story goes on when the fml talks to the them. Because of how the mc raised the fml and thinks, he automatically thinks others will think the same way ultimately forgetting they’re all only 12. Because the fml is more mature.
Also I kinda like the heroine/og fml she’s not to bad and hasn’t done anything bitchy either.

A few spoilers if you haven’t read ig
I actually kinda like the fml she’s not like most fmls who just right away fall for ml. she says he’s her type and knows he’s handsome. She does kiss him but she never says she loves him. She just says he’s her type and she likes facial features. Besides the part of the ml him kissing her first and her kissing him back the second time. which was a really random throw in for romance for them probably because they going to introduce Logan another possible ml.
She’s honestly more relatable if this happened irl and makes sense unlike most annoying fmls. she still worries if she’s going to die being near the ml. ( since the king ordered the ml to kill her for witnessing the murder the ml did.) She also knows she can be safe with him protecting her and no one else killing her. but she still wants freedom and wonders what her life would be like without him. And wants to get away from the ml.
At the beginning She helped him so he wouldn’t kill her and know she wasn’t a threat. Which lead to him proposing since people thought he liked her. And the king ordered him to so she wouldn’t snitch. But remember she never wanted anything to do with him. She’s also still scared of him since him and the king fully determine whether she’ll live or die but doesn’t mind him since he takes care of her. all she has to do is pretend to be his wife and make him look good.
And she’s also smart and not lazy she picks up on things reads is looking up on her powers and trying to use them.
The fml honestly just wants a nice life doing what she wants to do without restrictions.

I hope the fml whoops ass and is a baddie or at least tells the crown prince she don’t give a f*ck.
Cause if not imma be mad. girl if you don’t beat his asz he is so disrespectful. He ain’t even a bad boy cliche that authors try so hard to push on. he’s just a jerk who loves his brother. Im glad he loves his brother but damn no need to be a dick.
I also want the Duke to be ml if not Im done. because what we all want is a bad ass fml with a softie ml that can give daddy vibes some times like

Am i the only one who understood the story. And knows whose who. Like Theo literally has double ears piercings and I can tell by the hair style and personality. second the stories straight to the point, that’s why it might be confusing since most stories drag the hell out the stories. plus there aren’t any Odd hair colors for us to differentiate them. except for the fml with pink hair everyone’s else looks normal. And the ml has a dark brown hair and greys because it’s a trait from his home town.

the ml and fml
House = on fire
Legs = open
Stupid = as fuck (asf)
Married = bout to be
Prego = we don’t know
First time = hell no
Being manipulated = like a muh fucker
Ml =
Rich = asf
Family = hot asl
it’s in the genes
People in the kingdom = crazy asl (as hell)
Pedo = yessir
Thought fml was younger but still wanted to fuck = hell yea
Tryna marry a child = yes yes and hell yes
Fucked her knowing she was sad and confused = he gave 0 fucks and he’d do it again
Go send her home = probably not nawh most definitely not he tryna put a ring on it tryna trap her while she still young and naive
omg moon owl pissing me off let her go with Alex we all know she interested in him like come on he ruining out for me