I absolutely love this story, it was so good.
I loved all the characters, Bawoo and Duan were my favs, they were so funny. But there's one thing I wanna say about Bawoo, I think he's toxic for Hoon. At first I thought that him and Hoon's relationship was cute and kinda funny despite the misunderstandings but after reading everything,
its obviously that it's being portrayed as cute and healthy by the end but it's not really , it's borderline toxic. It's almost painful to watch Hoon try so hard for someone that physically & verbally insults him and never communicates properly with him then he keeps telling himself that he deserves it cuz "it's not even half of Bawoo's pain from back then" or sumn like that like huh?? ....It's made like Hoon is the one that horribly wronged him in some disturbing way even tho Bawoo is partly at fault too....If Bawoo REALLY liked Hoon, he wouldn't let this go on; especially not for that long. Plus we never got to see Bawoo reassure Hoon and actually communicate with him, we just see that they end up dating. idk I can't see their relationship as anything but toxic anymore. Everyone else's relationship was so interesting and had SOO much depth, there was so much change and it was fun to read.