jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Thirst

can't wait for wren to die. If he loves Tristan so much why not just leave him alone and go kys somewhere in a ditch maybe┐(-。-)┌ atp I can't even bother caring about him anymore lol

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Thirst

Ethan cheated and Tristan didn't, he was sexually assaulted by his "father figure".
But at the end of chapter 81, it looks like Tristan cheated cuz he was naked with that bite mark and now Ethan is pissed lol, serves him right for cheating tho. There was no reason for Ethan to do that at all. The author could have written another way instead of having Ethan resorting to cheating but okay(¬_¬)..
Also, I just realized the amount of characters having sex with the kids they literally raised is way too high in this manhwa

Ik people on this site hate it when u complain about translation but still....the translations..especially at ep 7. it was hard to read from the beginning but atp I can't understand a damn thing. what I understand from the comments is that the new character is a pedo??! I'm so done rn lol

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Club Naked

Omggg I loved the first couple so much. they were really adorable frfr it was so satisfying to read about them.ヾ(☆▽☆)
but what annoyed me was that every woman in this manga lacked manners, boundaries and basic human respect, with such backwards views of womanhood. Wtf. Wym you go to a strip club and watch men get naked and dance sexually just like men do yet "it's different when we do it" huh??? the delusion.
that's like saying women only watch porn to study it while only men use it to get off. just stupid, isnt it.
It was so annoying watching them act like that with the mc.
I thought maybe it was supposed to be 'comedy', but even then I couldn't understand how the way they were acting was supposed to be funny.

The boss should have been the uke...

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

Even tho I knew this was gonna be bad, against by better judgment, I still read the first chapter.
In my head, I was like-"It cant be that bad,right?┐(-。-;)┌-".
.....It wasΣ( ̄ロ ̄lll).
why is it that the people on this site give high ratings to THE WORST mangas/manhwa's on here???? wtf is up with yall

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Bluer than summer

This story was so cuteee<333
This feels like such a good palate cleaner from all the bad stories I've just read. loved it

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Motomete Yamanai

The Best(& probably the only) neurodivergent couple in BL history(´TωT`)
Agrue with the wall.
I love their dynamic so much and the side characters were amazing as well. I love how everyone got their happy ending too lol. 10/10.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Thirst

"do you copy" (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)゙?
FYM "DO YOU COPY?"????????(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
there's no reason for him to be doing that unless it's to contact the damn uncle....so...he's betraying Tristan then.
he better get that death he so desperately wished for but this time he dies like the monster he is and alongside the uncle too.
let them both rot in hell

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of more than red

The worst part about this is that the uke is a grown ass man while hes dating a second year high schooler. At first, I thougt the seme would be 18 and in his 3rd year and the uke is just a freshman at college or something but I was SO wrong. The seme is literally a second year so he's probably 16-17 and the uke is a college sophomore or junior. yikes.
That aside, the uke is a grown ass man yet just cuz he's "bad with people" he doesn't bother to pick up his phone and call his bf?? He never communicates with him and just waits for the seme to call him first?? He never does anything to solve any misunderstandings between them first neither does he ever try to make a move first. If not for the seme their relationship would never progress.

The seme definitely has his flaws and his issues with communication for sure but why is he the one always communicating and talking about his feelings while the uke just sits there pathetically, acts like nothing happened and waits for the seme to talk or act first? then he gets disappointed he chooses not to do anything but still does nothing to change that. it's frustrating to watch.

~compared to the rest of the comments this looks like a hating ass essay lmaooo
Thanks for reading tho(´・ω・)

At the beginning, their relationship was really bad. Bully X Victim is never right, and itonaga had horrible self esteem issues so I was ready to rant about how bad this was... but then I kept reading on and their relationship developed and got a lot healthier and they both leaned to communicate better. So atp, it'll be stupid for me to be hating after finishing the story and seeing what their relationship had become.
Even tho I don't like the beginning, the ending is satisfactory. so I don't get why the people in the comments are hating but I'm pretty sure it's cuz they just didn't finish the story.. or yall are just looking for things so complain about lol

These two are really cute and I love their dynamic but the ending wasn't enough for me. I wanted the photographer mentor guy or whatever is name is to burn in hell for stealing the seme's work and others too. I seriously hate characters like that, who use their power to steal peoples works and take credit for it while they themselves are talentess. Also why does his assistant still care about him, are they together or something?? Why did he still stick with him for so long when his work was getting stolen as well. All for that bastards sake?? why?? I kinda wanna know more about them. Anyways, atleast he got exposed tho.

reading the comments and seeing everyone so disgusted and confused is SOO much more entertaining than reading the actual manhua lmao

It's really interesting ngl, it definitely has its flaws but it's worth reading.
I lowkey thought that yall were exaggerating with how embarrassing the mc was but the second hand embarrassment really is insane .
Anyways I love the dynamic of crossdressering tops X big buffer (probably dumber) bottoms in bl so this is definitely my cup of tea, imms keep reading( ^ω^)

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Ai Ni Chimayoe!

The uke is extremely annoying and immature omggg. But maybe I shouldn't be expecting much from a grown ass man that can't function as an adult and puts his hands on a minor.
Plus, I'm never the biggest fan of stories where the ml is either in love with mc's father or gets with mc's father and later gets together with the father's son. It's especially worse if the father and son are almost exactly alike.
Apart from how morally wrong it is, I just feel like sometimes the love they have for them isn't fully genuine and they're mostly just using them as a replacement for their fathers, not explicitly saying that that's true about this specific story tho. Anyways, that's just my opinion ┐(-。-;)┌

jyugos_nō1stan like topic of Unromantic

started reading this and got to about 20-25 chapters, and all I can say is: wtf???
just another bl where the author makes a character so hopelessly and madly in love with the shittiest person ever for absolutely no fucking reason.. had to drop it. I was recommended this and it has a good rating(9.6 atp) so I was excited..., now I'm just wondering how this shit is so popular?? it had EVERY SINGLE THING a stereotypical omegaverse would have... it's literally no different but yall LOVE it cause the omega is the one that's a terrible person, treats the alpha like absolute shit and rapes the alpha but its not the other around so its cool with yall??!?! eww

absolutely amazing.
I loved the story, characters and the ARTTT.
I feel like the author would be amazing in horror.

not only is this just straight up PEDOPHILIA but another beef I have with this is that you can clearly see that the author makes the uke less and less buff as the story goes on. why?? why do they have to twink-ify the uke?? if you see chap1 and skip to chap 16, you can see the OBVIOUS difference in the uke's body. weird.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Unromantic

started reading this and got to about 20-25 chapters, and all I can say is: wtf???
just another bl where the author makes a character so hopelessly and madly in love with the shittiest person ever for absolutely no fucking reason.. had to drop it. I was recommended this and it has a good rating(9.6 atp) so I was excited..., now I'm just wondering how this shit is so popular?? it had EVERY SINGLE THING a stereotypical omegaverse would have... it's literally no different but yall LOVE it cause the omega is the one that's a terrible person, treats the alpha like absolute shit and rapes the alpha but its not the other around so its cool with yall??!?! eww

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Okusama wa Alpha

when I first read this thought I was cute but now, I realize that it really isn't. The uke is a habitual cheater wtf. why is no one talking about that????
He literally had a husband who was willing to have sex with him yet he went to a host club to fuck someone girl. And his excuse was, "well i haven't used my dick in a while" WHAT????!!!!
Wasnt he just tryin to fuck the seme 4 panels ago???
Then later on, he went to get finger-fucked by someone else even though he has a HUSBAND??? And he never let seme do that to him too!!! He didnt even bother telling the seme when he had the chance, he just kept running away.
Regardless of his "reason", that was just borderline infidelity. Plus he even rubbed the "counselors" dick too!!!!!, I would be blind to miss that BIG ASS sign of him cheating. Even though, the seme DID get mad at him, uke practically got away with what he did, he never even ACTAULLY APOLOGIZED to him and the author just moved on like it was nothing. Weird.
I feel bad for the seme, he is so freaking amazing all-round. Too bad he has to deal with a mf cheating husband and a deranged disgusting mother, yet he's the one always apologizing and making excuses for eveyone else.(¬_¬)