jyugos_nō1stan January 23, 2024 1:34 am

when I first read this thought I was cute but now, I realize that it really isn't. The uke is a habitual cheater wtf. why is no one talking about that????
He literally had a husband who was willing to have sex with him yet he went to a host club to fuck someone girl. And his excuse was, "well i haven't used my dick in a while" WHAT????!!!!
Wasnt he just tryin to fuck the seme 4 panels ago???
Then later on, he went to get finger-fucked by someone else even though he has a HUSBAND??? And he never let seme do that to him too!!! He didnt even bother telling the seme when he had the chance, he just kept running away.
Regardless of his "reason", that was just borderline infidelity. Plus he even rubbed the "counselors" dick too!!!!!, I would be blind to miss that BIG ASS sign of him cheating. Even though, the seme DID get mad at him, uke practically got away with what he did, he never even ACTAULLY APOLOGIZED to him and the author just moved on like it was nothing. Weird.
I feel bad for the seme, he is so freaking amazing all-round. Too bad he has to deal with a mf cheating husband and a deranged disgusting mother, yet he's the one always apologizing and making excuses for eveyone else.(¬_¬)

    Arysa January 29, 2024 2:47 pm

    Reread this my rating changed from 4/5 to 2/5 for this sole reason. How did I missed it the 1st time??

    jyugos_nō1stan January 29, 2024 6:22 pm
    Reread this my rating changed from 4/5 to 2/5 for this sole reason. How did I missed it the 1st time?? Arysa

    I was SO blind when I first read this . Like how did I miss all that in the first place??
    Maybe it's cuz they were the first Alpha x Alpha story I had read back then so I was just too excited idk lmao

    Cheese_ratbcynot February 25, 2024 2:36 pm

    yea, i just realized when i read it again

    感謝さん March 11, 2024 11:02 pm

    I agree, my second time reading this made it weirdddd

    Keiji April 30, 2024 4:24 am

    Guys this story was out 6 years ago , guess it was norm amoung yaoi then

    jyugos_nō1stan May 2, 2024 3:15 am
    Guys this story was out 6 years ago , guess it was norm amoung yaoi then Keiji

    lmaooo the way u say it like that's a long time. like the story came out in the early 2000s or something lol
    bl/yaoi hasn't changed that much from 2018 till now.
    besides, that's not the point of the comment. I was just making a realization, just pointing out some things I didn't notice before.
    (sorry for the bad english) ( ・3・)

    lil_Ms.J May 6, 2024 2:52 am

    Incomplete agreement and the disregard by all involved just made everything feel weird. Fucked up indeed

jyugos_nō1stan January 21, 2024 3:57 am

not a fan of the one-sided pining, virgin x slut or I-didn't-care-about-them-at-first-but-I-realized-I-like-them-after-I-thought-I-almost-lost-them dynamic. And this manga was all of the above, it was still an okay read tho (´・ω・)

jyugos_nō1stan January 21, 2024 12:05 am

Second time rereading this, the first couple was...meh. But the second couple is just downright toxic yet its getting lots of love by yall cuz it has a more dominant uke. ughh
The uke was just a manipulative asshole and made the seme feel like he needed to make it up to him, even tho it was the SEME that was "raped".
He was the one that was blacked out drunk, so it was rape yet he's the one apologizing and begging for forgiveness??? Even if nothing happened that night, he doesnt know that.
He also shouldnt have that kind of mentality to someone who did that to him and the uke is obviously okay with manipulating him to get what he wants. Toxic v( ̄ー ̄)v

jyugos_nō1stan January 16, 2024 10:32 am

yall in the comments are pissing me off. you're complaints are all so stupid.
you see a healthy poly relationship and say "this one is in the way" or "this one should be with this one" wtf??? yall obviously never heard of V polys, thats literally what these guys are.(-‸ლ)
also, yall ever thought that the seme just isn't that much into kissing?? or he perfers to do it in doggy style than missionary?? ofc yall didn't.
Anyways, this was so good. I usually hate threesomes but 'Sandwich' types are the best, maybe cuz I love switch couples. It's the only way I can tolerate it lmao.
Also, the guys are FINE AS FUCK, and their relationship is so cute.

    Ice January 29, 2024 8:41 am

    Fr like I'm just happy they aren't brothers or sumn

    jyugos_nō1stan January 29, 2024 6:25 pm
    Fr like I'm just happy they aren't brothers or sumn Ice

    for once, no rape, no pedophilia , no incest. NOTHING.
    ( ^ω^)

    toilet terrorist January 29, 2024 6:43 pm

    healthy my ass are you blind? when he says stop or no its always ignored, its got rape in it let people say whatever they want

    jyugos_nō1stan January 30, 2024 8:34 pm
    healthy my ass are you blind? when he says stop or no its always ignored, its got rape in it let people say whatever they want toilet terrorist

    you're actually brain dead aren't you??
    okay fine, you win. when he consented, when he agreed to date them, when he had sex with them all those times...it was rape and he actually hated them and he's just being forced. you're right, are you happy now??

jyugos_nō1stan January 15, 2024 8:37 pm

Lyle and his communication issues, I'm so tired rn.
"it's like he's drawing a line between us"
I thought we went through this, but it seems like Lyle's character development in this aspect hasn't changed one bit.

    potato soup January 15, 2024 10:27 pm

    kinda cant blame him for all that tho, like his friend told him that ash would get sick of him soon enough if they kept living together and karlyle is a little socially inept so i really cant blame him for getting worried

jyugos_nō1stan January 15, 2024 1:04 am

The way Seo-an talks about their relationship is wierd asf.(chap 59 &60)
He tells Woo-won that he must be the most important person in his life, likes to talk about 'training' Woo-won, saying shit like "I SHOULD HAVE COME FIRST!", and he even says he has to change Woo-won even if he likes it or not??? helloo??? I've been putting off saying anything here, cuz yall in the comments get so sensitive whenever someone says anything about Seo-on's character but I cant anymore(& lowkey I kept lying to myself before that their relationship was perfect).
Yall were defending Seo-an before, saying that he's just more assertive & dominant and Woo-won is fine with that so no one else should complain but bffr, imagine your partner changing everything about you to fit their taste and NOT GIVING A FUCK IF YOU CONSENT TO IT OR NOT!! Also even if Woo-won thinks this is okay doesn't ACTAULLY mean it is, dumbass'.
He's trying so hard to make Woo-won extremly dependent on him. That's so not healthy, but yall keep deluding yourselves.
(all this said by a girlie that likes a little but of possessiveness too, but this isn't just that anymore, it's bordering toxic atp. Seo-an needs therapy or sumn lmao)

    poppyLVSreading January 15, 2024 1:45 am

    I do see where you’re coming from but lowkey as long as it doesnt get out hand and starts very obv affecting their relationship in a negative way its not really a problem imo

    January 15, 2024 6:01 am
    I do see where you’re coming from but lowkey as long as it doesnt get out hand and starts very obv affecting their relationship in a negative way its not really a problem imo poppyLVSreading

    But it literally is affecting their relationship in a negative way, hes making his partner change for him in a really bad way this is most defiantly affecting their relationship AND them especially woowon.

    joooo January 15, 2024 4:57 pm

    But it is starting to get out of hand tho. Just in the recent chapter, woowon literally does not feel comfortable with seo an's advances. Not only seo an wants him to change but he is also taking control of him even in this situation

    venom_234 January 16, 2024 6:47 am

    Well you see…imo this is tagged a Drama…so there is gonna be drama. Is it bordering toxic? Yes. But is that wat drama inherently is? Yes. I mean, imo, think about a story that has no hardships along the way. It would be boring. Does this mean I want this to happen in my relationship and anyone else’s? No. Doesn’t this mean I want to just read a story without ppl complaining 24/7? Yes. Look p, I get it, u are allowed to like and dislike wat u want, so am I. But sometimes I think no one realizes all these stories are works of fiction, it’s supposed to get u thinking and feeling things. Before I read these comments I was enjoying the story and art. But some ppl really love to criticize every little thing thinking they can do better (not that that’s wat u think but that’s what a lot of ppl give off). Idk man maybe it’s just me but stories are stories…fiction…never gonna be real. I think one of the BIGGEST things no one ever realizes is drama is almost always gonna be toxic. This wasn’t tagged a ‘fluffy’ or ‘cute’ story. Y’all assumed it was just cuz the beginning was sweet. Ppl have their ups and downs in relationships, some downs being more toxic than others. Drama is defined as “a form of performance that involves conflicts, emotions, and the betrayal of human experiences through dialogue and action.” Key word is conflict. Another definition “ a category or genre of narrative fiction intended to be more serious than humorous in tone.” Look I know I’m rambling at this point but EVERY SINGLE STORY I read on here has negativity about how the author writes or how the artist draws. Again I get we all get to express our opinions but damn…just don’t read the story if u don’t like it. I see ppl just commenting “dropped”…like ok u didn’t like it but no reason to comment it. I’m so sorry some of these things don’t even apply to the original comment I’m responding to but I just had to get this off my chest . Have a good day yall

    Norn January 16, 2024 3:52 pm

    Seoan was also talking about forcing Woowon to change so he can stand by him, plus making plans for them to move when he hasn't brought it up with Woowon. He's definitely becoming more controlling.

    jyugos_nō1stan January 21, 2024 12:34 am
    Well you see…imo this is tagged a Drama…so there is gonna be drama. Is it bordering toxic? Yes. But is that wat drama inherently is? Yes. I mean, imo, think about a story that has no hardships along the way... venom_234

    I ain't reading all dat(I did)
    ~ This whole essay you wrote doesn't even make any sense. You said that just cuz it's tagged 'drama' people should EXPECT toxicity??? WHAT??
    And you were basically saying just cuz it was sweet at the beginning, I should not complain when it gets toxic cuz it was never tagged "fluffy"???
    You're literally just trying to normalize toxic relationships in manhwa and stop people from complaining about them. Are you insane or no??
    ~Bl fans trying not to normalize toxicity and expecting everyone else to be comfortable with said toxicity challenge: IMPOSSIBLE.
    "If you don't like it drop it" If you have every right to express your love for this, others ALSO have every right expressing their dissatisfaction with things they find uncomfortable. EVEN IF ITS FICTION. Stop getting mad cuz of that. it's weird.
    Also, all I did was point out how their relationship isnt all as peaches and rainbows as everyone is making it to be. People are defending Seo-an's words and actions, all I said was that their relationship isnt healthy right now.
    Me personally, I'm fine with a little toxicity; and unlike you, I understand when some people don't like it especially when they expect something healthy. What I don't like it when people LIE about how unhealthy a relationship is being, especially when its this obvious. that's why I made the comment.

    venom_234 January 21, 2024 1:59 am
    I ain't reading all dat(I did)~~~ This whole essay you wrote doesn't even make any sense. You said that just cuz it's tagged 'drama' people should EXPECT toxicity??? WHAT??And you were basically saying just cuz... jyugos_nō1stan

    Dawg I do understand. And yes I’m insane. And I jus think y’all take things too seriously.
    And did u not read the part where I said not all of what I said applied to u?? Apparently not. But my point is ur not even letting the main couple talk out their problems. Ur assuming it’s going down a whole toxic path, like let the story play out. I also said ppl have a right to say what they wanna say. U clearly didn’t read all of it or at least u didn’t comprehend all I said. I’m not normalizing toxicity, and even if I was, it’s a story, plain and simple. I also feel that u aren’t rlly taking into consideration that woo won isn’t changing for him or anything yet. These are seoans thoughts, we all have bad thoughts but that doesn’t mean they are going to be put into action. I mean it might, but let them work it out. And yes I understand y ppl don’t like it, I didn’t say I don’t. But yes it is a simple as don’t read it if u don’t like it, there are plenty of stories on here I have quit reading cuz they are not my cup of tea. also ur the one getting mad and sensitive lmao. Ur like rlly defensive

jyugos_nō1stan January 11, 2024 10:19 am

the uke in the first story, was lowkey annoying to me lmao.. but he was LGBTQ and a Christian???!!! first time I'm seeing that in bl, he just like me for real

jyugos_nō1stan January 5, 2024 12:16 am

Loved this, every couple was so unique and I LOOVVEEE the artstyle. It reminds me of 90s animanga lol, idk how else to describe it but it's amazing. Rest In peace to the author too.

jyugos_nō1stan January 4, 2024 3:37 pm

How DARE there not be more chapters???!!!
This was so cute, soft and mature, idk how else to explain it. And I love how the sex wasn't the main focus in the movie AND in the story. ♡♡ This needs to have higher ratings

jyugos_nō1stan January 4, 2024 2:00 pm

his name.......Hisoka.....the first thing that popped into my head.............. ☆—_—♡ (pretend this is a tear)
anyways, this was so freaking cute. WHY doesn't it have higher ratings??!!! The story and the art were amazing, plus it has a cross dressing seme which is so rare in bl.
I cannot shut up about how absolutely gorgeous Hisoka is omg

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