I'm looking for a manga about a father and son, there is also a story about time travel. so the boy was suddenly journey through time until he reached where his father was young. then they fall in love. I think this story is included in the category of yaoi. although there are few sex scenes. I really appreciate your help. thank you =)

It's been a week that i can't bookmark my page. Is there anybody experience problem like i do? Help me please =(

I'm having no trouble, so it must be a glitch with the platform you're using. If you're working from a desktop, you've tried clearing your cache? If that doesn't work, someone mentioned success after signing off the site for awhile. Or, you could try emailing the webmaster and mentioning the problem.
23 notification in 1 day!! Okay now i'm curious. How can people follow my list? I mean how can they find my list? This is amazing...
They can see your list on your profile (if it isn't private) and lists which have a manga you read on it, are shown as well, when you finished reading it.
Soooo they have to go to my homepage to see my lists. Wow..i have to thank everybody who have follow my lists. Thank you @IsiWiesel