Really love this couple. The granparents reminded me my parents. REALLY. It's insane!!!!!! My parents were so understanding and open mind even they were old!!!! My mom passed away first and then my dad did few months later. 60 YEARS TOGETHER!!!! They were childhood friends and got married so young, never broke up an when my mom was bedridden dad took care of her for 12 years and he cried when a told him that it was ok to go out with other people. NO she was the love of my life. DAAAMMN . When they found out that their forst child was gay they just kept in silence since he wanted to keep in secret, his fucking partner washed his mind and convinced if we knew it we' abandoned him. He was bedridden and we wanted his las moment spent together in peace. That's why we never told him Its ok, dont worry. We love you. . When he passed away my oarents were heart broken My dad cried. MYbaby boy. I cant believe we had such gorgeous parents. The couple is amazing, but grand parents are the best

Granpa reminds me my dad. My parents adopted my mother's baby brother, my dad adored him s much, he was their first child. Unfortunately my uncled was bedriden and then passed away, he did not tell us about he was gay because his lover told him that we would despised him and got scared. My parents were heartbroken with that. One day my dad was staring so intense to a young gay couple kissing. My dad told me ' They're cute, oh God, my baby boy would look like that. He deserved being in love like that, my baby boy'.

Is it different of the novel. I read it but skiped some chapters

Lmao I was thinking the same. This arc was stressing me out so much I just skimmed through it till it was resolved and now I wonder if the princess character was so significant in the novel? I don’t remember her saving the prince and having that bonding moment with Edith. But might be that I just skipped those parts cause I was too eager to read through the whole kidnapping. But as far as scheming and and kidnapping goes - it is the same as in the novel.

Gurl, You experienced that death once in your previous life. WHY DID YOU MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE?!!! THE SAME DEATH TWICE. Ok, this kind of reincarnation is interesting but to me it feels sth off when two Olgas interect. Honestly gurl, if I were you, I'd tried to tale care of my other myself better. Somehow I feel you got stupid when you reincarnated.