Am I the only one who is mad at him for asking prince to stab him? Like bruh you’re supposed to apologize rn not make yourself buff like that. I honestly can kind of see why he keeps getting into trouble and idk if I have any sympathy for him left .
Like how he just leaves all of the responsibilities to his sister like a weak person... why tf would anyone like him
He was defending a child lol. If he apologized he would’ve killed the kid instead. So far Uri isn’t smart, but he seems to mean well. And he even risked his life for Lamia when the chandelier was literally going to fall on her head.. i dont know honestly how he’s gonna end up but so far he doesn’t seem terrible. What is suspicious however is that he won’t tell his sister what happened...I’m curious to see if he was in the wrong or not. I think that will set the tide a bit better.
Am I the only one who gets where prince is coming from ? But for real the brother is so annoying ugh when is he going to die already
How is he annoying? Or do you side with the prince just cuz he's handsome? Also if someone annoys you then they deserve to die? The prince injured him and possibly ruined his life for no real fucking reason and y'all are like "ugh he's so annoying I hope he does already?" Like srsly??
We don’t know if there’s no reason, there probably is. Also Uri trusts blindly, he had no alarms ringing when the girl took him to a dark ally to get ambushed
Right now there isnt a reason for him to do that, I'm talking based on what we know right now and yes he Uri does trust ppl blindly so I should ruin his dominant hand and prevent him from holding the sword that he loves ever again? Plz stop supporting the ML blindly
Without a doubt in my mind there is a reason. And I’m not trusting him because he’s the ML, I’m trusting him because he went back in time and knows the future and is trying to change it