Sora better not have a crush on Ryouta. If he does the poor child will be heartbrokened when he realizes that he can't have Ryouta.
Ryouta belongs to Acchan.
Acchan belongs to Ryouta.
And it has to stay like that.
Hopefully he'll find someone BETTER at least so he'll keep his mind off of Ryouta.
And so Sora will be happy and live the life with the person he loves that isn't Ryouta.

You know.....
You really have to appreciate Mangakas and other artists for their work. They spend precious time of their own life to create something that'll bring joy to readers and others that exhibits the art.
And of course drawing and making art is their hobby(or should) and there are MANY people out there that just can't draw sh*t to save their own life. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Honestly, I'm really glad that I can draw.(⌒▽⌒)

"Why is everyone around me gay?"
Boi, every fujoshi wants to be you right now.
You've witnessed like, two gay fucks right in front of your eyes.
Your best friend is gay, and you even found out that your best friend was by witnessing such an erotic beautiful fuck.
And to make it better, they were BOTH hot and gay, consider yourself lucky.
This is the kind of yaoi I look for.