I was attracted to this because of the pretty art but..the author's really not leaving much to enjoy in this story. What is the appeal when all the story has to offer is the MC getting screwed over? There's not really much progression in the chapters which makes reading this just plain sadistic. If there was a glimmer of hope or small sign that things will change then maybe it'd feel less pointless reading this, but..even so..

The best thing to exist like ever. I have no words. Just hot damn that is how you tell a story! The girl was depicted as very strong & capable without feeling the need to emphasize her sexuality which is always refreshing to read, & the boy & the girl equally supported & helped each other. No gender stereotypes. They were shown as just very sincere & equal human beings which I feel is rarely accomplished right in stories. It's quite hard to find those kind of ideas in stories. Gorgeous art which sincerely looks hand crafted, imaginitively unique concepts & basically the best world building in a story. Miyazaki's the master for a reason. Highest quality of storytelling I'll probablly ever read. Highly recommend

This story seems very wonderful & it seems everyone really holds it in high regard!
But to be honest I'm kinda scared to read this because I heard that.. well there is pederasty, apparently with the king.
I'm not very comfortable with that subject matter but I hate missing out on a fantastic story!
Could anyone tell me in their opinion, for someone who isn't very comfortable with that subject matter, is this story worth reading?
& if it is, are the scenes depicting it bearable or are they explicit?

This is a shounen ai so all intimate acts are non-explicit. Pedophilia shown here follows this rule - anything more hardcore than kissing is heavily implied, but the worst we're getting shown directly is a mouth-to-mouth kiss between an old man and an adolescent. If you don't mind spoilers, chapter 23 is basically the heaviest on visuals, so you can take a look and see if it bothers you. Nudity and subtle uses of blood are a thing though, but as I said, no explicit acts are involved. The most hardcore scenes were involving public nudity as a punishment and decimated heads on sticks - but don't worry, as most plot is actually fluffy, those are few and in between shown mostly for contrast.
As for it being worth reading, that depends. Personally I think writing is a bit on the rushed side when it comes to fleshing out the motivations of the characters, but I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you enjoy stories revolving around royal courts.

Yes!!! Totally worth it! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
And no, there is no explicit scenes about this. At least, unitil now, but honestly, I don't think there will be, it not seem to be the author's style to do so.
If you are that concerned about that, you can not read chapter 23 (there is a warning at the start of this chapter). It is not like you are not going to understand the plot.
Buuut, there are some scenes with violence / torture along the whole manga much more explicit that the actual pedophilia.

Honestly, every time I see Sungho, I still see the sweet boy from their highschool memories. The twisted things he's done in the present are inexcusable, but above anything else, I just wish he would get some help. It sounds silly to say but, the author has gotten me so emotionally invested, that I really care for this character. Of course Dohyun needs his happy ending, but i would be happy if Sungho was able to be healthy & happy once again. I guess he's just a villain i can't completley hate.
So was incredibly beautiful and loving..