Man... i used to rll like this but the longer the story goes the deeper it digs its hole.
Author-san, c-can you please cut back on that? I dont think introducing a new falsity every 3 chapters is the best of plans....
This story was good while it was about tea...
Must the pile of bad portrayals, culture washing and misinformation grow ;-; ?!
For only having vission in his right eye he is holding up so well! I wonder how hes going to go around the completely screwed depth perception and general hardship of missing an eye. (=・ω・=)
I myself have one weak eye (I'm not blind on one eye or anything), which is difficult to explain, but you can imagine it like this: if my field of vision in width 100, I can see an areaof 80 with one eye, and an area of 20 with the other eye. Also it's difficult to read with my bad eye, if I close the other one, so I'm mainly relying on my good eye :'D I've been like this since I was a child, and I have no trouble with depth perception, you can easily train that, it comes natural~
So I've seen people having trouble with distances when they close one eye, but not me :p
so long story short, basically having one eye isn't that much of a trouble (at least for me) :'D
As someone who has eye "issues" myself, I totally get you. But actually being completely blind with one eye is a major disadvantage, of course, one you will adapt to later, but still.
After all, you can't put a thread through a needle with just one eye ;/ Depth perception is impacted by it.
And honestly, I was just saying that he's doing super great after going through such a dramatic change! His field of vision has decreased by half, after all ;^/
They really did replace that rotten egg’s real name last chapter with theobald huh...