the story of Sherlock Holme's arch-nemesis. Moriarty...
- Author: TAKEUCHI Ryousuke,MIYOSHI Hikaru
- Genres: Drama / Mystery / Seinen
In the imperial court, a young woman is put into servitude, Maomao. The tale is just beginning for t...
- Author: Natsu Hinata,Nekokurage
- Genres: Historical / Mystery / Slice of Life
Shuu's partner at work is none other than Ayame. His ex-bully, Alpha senior from middle and hig...
- Author: Tsuba Daeki
- Genres: Yaoi
From YahmeeTeeh Scans: Daiki was a smart kid but on the day of their examination blood test to be p...
- Author: Natsuno tea,Tomohiro kusume
- Genres: Japanese / Comic / Manga / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Omegaverse / Romance / School Life Japanese Comic Manga Omegaverse Romance School Life
As the son of King Yeom-ra of the underworld, Jae-shin has lived a hedonistic life full of ever-chan...
- Author: Ananas, C.R Jade
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Drama / Historical
The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desp...
- Author: FUMINO Yuki
- Genres: School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life
I Hear the Sunspot (Hidamari ga Kikoeru)