No cuz how the fuck does the author have such good artstyle yet fucks up every single plot of this story holy please never make another yaoi cuz the cheating?? Disgusting i doubt that anyone liked this unless there mentally not okay, like how does the author expect of releasing this yaoi without thinking how much hate there gonna gets ofcourse there gonna get tons of hate common sense just for the shitty plot LOL cheating is so messed up don't be fooled by the artstyle cuz sometimes the plot is just so trash like i literally dropped at chap.8 no cuz i thought the male lead will slowly forget about the professor guy but no he continues to like him while also not even caring the fucking fact that hes stillndating yeowoon no shit cuz whats even worse is that the professor is yeowoon's mom like? Hope the author actually fricking puts there artstyle into an actual good yaoi if they dont i dont even think this author will get any fame at all there literally gonna be infamous asf anyways thank you for making it to the end of my rant of this shit bomb i had to really see the latest chapther to see if the fuckin male lead still like yeowoons mom and he does like wtff Ciao people :3
No because almsot fuckin half of the yaoi i have seen are rapist male leads like wtf
Exactly I’m honestly sick and tired of seeing it.