AWM Pubg
Conclusion:never tattoo an ex's name, it's gonna age badly, and it's a bit creepyp, amd psychologically taxing. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S THE EX'S GAME TAG Like WTF
My Little Bookstore
*read up to 24
There are times, when you're forced to consider what the hell you're doing. And also, there are times when you regain a sliver of hope, but then are forced to he confronted with horrible people, and you own issues and faults. World is horrible. That's what I'm feeling after these chapters. So far, while it is undoubtedly a romance, the life situation of all characters overshadows it immensly. It means that you are looking at the characters as less the potential couples, but people with complex issues and challenges. Basically. It's one of those bad for escapism.
Gone with the bubbles