I read through this in one day and I have to say I don't like how Tom was as a character in this story and Janet deserves better. Hw saved Henry on a whim, helped him to take revenge on a him not taking into account how it would affect Henry in the long run and made Janet suffer like that and made Henry believe it was all his fault for all these years? I get that he didn’t want to hurt Henry and wanted get better before reappearing but there had to have been a better way to go about it. What did Janet do to deserve such pain? If I was Janet I'd dump this man so hard the minute he appeared and pretended everything was fine and good....I get all the motivation behind acting that way but I just can't like him
This might be the best story of this trope that I've read...I love how the author chose to put in the side stories of even the side characters...like the inner thoughts of the queen, or the story of the nanny...like the author made it so that the world wouldn’t be incomplete and shallow, so that the people living in this world of this story wouldn’t have a fate like ankhin,they wouldn’t just be empty shells of this were a world with real living people, it was a nice thought to have put this detail in the story following the story's theme
What was the name of Eris in her original world tho?did the author not mention this as this character is not fictional and her name would not be mentioned in this work of fiction?or was it so that the readers would only remember 'Eris' so as not to take the spotlight from her?because I'm pretty sure the moment I would know her real name I would stop referring to her as 'Eris'