I really wanna find a list of yaoi with no r*pe or sehara...
Like also how do you find lists in general ;;; pls help(≧∀≦)
if you have a yaoi you like, you can check the list with the manga in it on the right side of the page, maybe youll find good lists there!
Also, I recommend checking lists of the user ‘being-you’, they have a lot of long lists well organized by themes! https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/250052/list/
its my list, man. you want my list https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/730851/
How do i find list : over time, while looking at the end of the page of any selected comic, this website shows you a list of lists woth that comic in them, so similar tropes. Bonus if you click on '' see more '' you have more and more lists :-pp _ but also, did you know by simply clicking on the profile pic of any user you can go see their lists and follow the lists you want to save for later
(without following the user necessarily?) and last but not least, you can go check the lists i have followed i managed to
save= follow 350 recommendation lists of other users on my page :-pp _ those lists inspire me greatly that's how i make sure to alway have something to read, and that's how i came to make my own personnal lists! (Also there is the search engine with tags only that's also a great tool to find tropes that you want to explore to make your own personnal explorations.
Actually there is !! If you select your favorite title and scroll down the page of that comic, below the lists that are recommended to you are most often in line to the title you love, so it's a way to look for lists.
Its really not difficult to go see on one user profile > lists > followed lists _ some users make plenty of lists yes like being you and also.Jenny and Yaoi empress. _ and did you know you can search the names of those users on Google, use MangaGo+ the name of the user between brackets '' '' and there you have it .
Here is Jenny's list of favorites (it's a whole directory, she has so many good recommendations that she had to organize and was inspired to make a list=index OF LISTS :-D !!) Jenny is super into cute fluffy heartwarming empowering, and plenty of other tropes and genres, interesting plots , just save this directory you will have months of reads on hand !! :-) _ it's one of the very cooo ressource of this website super compact, All in one place !!! https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2085943/
Here is Jenny's masterlist https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2085943/
...my heart ♡♡♡♡♡
I am now healed. Everybody will get love. Thank you