Drug your partner so they dont yap, if you want a quiet minute with them...
I ment my comment to be sarcasticly funny, but as I'm writing it, it just sounds creepy. Especially because such a case just happend in RL in france. (In a lot worse way)
You really have to shut off your brain sometimes, to somehow enjoy such stories, but it gets more and more difficult with time and when you hear about stories in RL.
*murmurs self-soothingly*
Jayhorse better has some extensive grovelling to do! I WAMT THIS MAN ON HIS KNEES. BEGGING.
What did he do? Did he saw the photo of kim dan on MSM, and then what? Frantically searching for the right place and then leaving everything behind and going/flying to this place in the middle of the night? To do what, search the streets for kim dan like the stalker that he is??? Lmao, its satisfying to see him this needy.
But I wont forgive him if he tries again to force Kim Dan in his previous role!
Time to read it again from the beginning and see if something was missed while reading weakly chapters.
This is sooo good.
The beginning is more wholesome than I thought or the Title picture make it seem, I like it for now, very intriguing
The kissing looks sooo good! I love it, when the noses make little dents on the cheeks, it looks so ..authentic