how much do you wanna bet that Zeno has been isekai'd as well after mentioning an unending nightmare?
sexually assaulting someone under the influence of alcohol, big thumbs down, no thank you
This is adorable?!????? AAAAAAAAA
alright this is adorable and pure af
owo wow they really took a hentai one-shot and turned it into an actual wholesome story with a redemption arc for the alien? Yay~
stop playing shitty games, how maniplulative
another one from MRM has escaped containment!
aaaand they're banging again.I give up expecting a plot with this one.
What a bittersweet goodbye to Shirako, but I am glad they gave her back to her owner. I know of someone who outright stole someone's cat and refused to give it back... I feel really sorry for the original owner.
That's why you should always put a ship on your cat, because then, by law, they have to give it back, at least in my country
wow that photographer's a bit of a freak, huh.... I'm kind of into it
how much do you wanna bet that Zeno has been isekai'd as well after mentioning an unending nightmare?