... the fuck did I just read? This is more messed up than Masuda’s mangas.
Way worse than Harada huh
W8 until you read killing stalking
I wouldn’t touch Killing Stalking with a 10 foot barge pole. That trash doesn’t deserve it’s popularity.
Thats rude Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
No. It's really good. People just hate it because they don't like when people write homosexual stories that are problematic. And thats the tea
You’re describing Killing Stalking as only a ‘problematic’ relationship? I’m sorry, what??
Its psychotic(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
It is problematic. Just because people have toned down the usage of the word doesn't mean the word itself has lost meaning
I have such a weakness for tsunderes augh this is so freaking cute!
What the fuck did I just read
Wtf.... how is 25 considered old?! That’s not even close to old!
This is like a bad fanfiction except I don’t know who any of the characters are.
... the fuck did I just read? This is more messed up than Masuda’s mangas.
Way worse than Harada huh
W8 until you read killing stalking
I wouldn’t touch Killing Stalking with a 10 foot barge pole. That trash doesn’t deserve it’s popularity.
Thats rude Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
No. It's really good. People just hate it because they don't like when people write homosexual stories that are problematic. And thats the tea
You’re describing Killing Stalking as only a ‘problematic’ relationship? I’m sorry, what??
Its psychotic(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
It is problematic. Just because people have toned down the usage of the word doesn't mean the word itself has lost meaning