Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list

I'll try to make summary (bc they aren't always one) and review every time. 
(Cf comments for special terms/ acronyms meanings)

Reached the max so had to start new lists XD This is the 1st list.
Feel free to check the other ones out too!
(There's also a special BL isekai list for the interested)

13 11,2023
Momo followed a list
21 10,2023
Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list
17 10,2023
Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list
30 09,2023
Momo followed a list
Momo followed a list
06 08,2023
Momo followed a list
03 08,2023
Momo followed a list