Hi, looks like some people misunderstood some things so I’ll be clarifying. We are not the same team from chapter 1, the reason we are picking it up is because it’s been 3 long years with no updates. So no, our release schedule will not be 3 years per chapter. And If you read our T/N at the end, it states that he got into the motor accident 2 weeks ago *not* 2 years.
Hello, we apologize for our slow releases. Our team is working very hard and diligently to put out good quality chapters for readers! As we mention at the end of every chapter, we’re looking for help. The reason that uploads take so long is due to the lack of man power, as we are a relatively smaller group. Almost all of our staff members either go to school or work full time. We aren’t exactly running a sweatshop, so chapters are bound to come out on an undefined schedule. We would appreciate any help given to us! Chapters could come out a lot faster if we decide to use machine translations, not clean the sound effects, and use power point to add the texts you read… but we cannot offer that in good conscience. We understand the frustration of not being able to binge read a good series or being left on cliffhangers for too long, but our love for this series pushes us to do it justice. We hope you understand and we thank you for your flexibility. Again, if you are able to, please lend us a helping hand to speed up the releasing process! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Thank you very much for your time and effort in translating this. I really hope you are able to find more help. I wish I could speak Korean to assist.
Also, would it be possible to edit the summary? It seems like it might have been machine-translated. Someone kindly posted a good summary below in the comments section. Thanks again.
We're in the process of changing the summary, thank you for your patience!
Please don’t apologize. Thank you so much for your hardwork!!! Thank you for given us the chance to read this story