i read it knowing full well how messed up this is, but them actually ending up in a romantic relationship as though nth ever happened was not quite the closure i had hoped for(⊙_⊙;)?

Maybe I misunderstood something, you said that ending wasn't the closure that you hoped for? Not saying you can't feel that way about the ending at all, just that intention of the ending is not meant to satisfy the audience, just the characters themselves. Ig in a sense the ending is good since it achieved what they were going for.

hmmm regardless of whether or not the ending was meant to satisfy us readers, i just dont see what that has to do with me commenting.
this manhwa had a lot of potential endings, but this ending rly wasnt it. at least for me. though i dont get how some ppl are satisfied with it. i wont go into details lolol
my point is there were several potential endings that wouldnt have satisfied the readers either but out of all of them the author chose to dismiss all the uke's traumas idk man the ending neither satisfied the audience nor did it "satisfy" the characters
anywayss it's fiction theres no need to get worked up over this╮(╯▽╰)╭

How does what I brought up have nothing to do with your comment? I'm just saying that the comment you made is essentially the reaction the authors expected. And I would argue that the ending does satisfy the characters as both the characters still wanted to be with each other in the end, despite knowing that there was nothing they could do to change or alter the past. Their entire character arc is about them letting go of their pasts and idealized visions of each other for a future that's not garenteed to be all happy and dandy. The reason why I am satisfied with the ending is because of these completed character arcs and the last chapter is about how awkward and tense their new relationship is and not at all like the futures they had dreamed of with each other. Not a "good" ending but a relatively hopeful one, but I perfectly understand why many would still dislike it. You don't need to agree with my thoughts on the ending but I'm just sharing why some may have liked it. Is it realistic? No, but like you said, it's fiction. I'm sorry if I sound really defensive haha this is one of my favorite manhwas.

siiigh dude i rly dont get why ure getting so worked up over a comment i wrote about a month ago idk how u even got here
whether or not this was the reaction the author anticipated, i rly dont care i just wrote what was on my mind at the time.
im sure most authors anticipate certain reactions from the readers but all of us still comment on the story anyway. i rly dont see the correlation.
if u wanna go into detail
lemme just say that their future will never be happy and dandy.
it does not satisfy the characters bc dudethe uke has literally gone insane. he is freakin traumatised he is not in his right mind and he is in desperate need of help. most prolly stockholm syndrome,,, amongst other shit. and dont get me started on the seme. bro he literally kidnapped, abused, raped and dehumanised him. he is an obsessive manipulative rapist. smth's wrong with him too idk what it is but hes mentally ill(which still does not in any way justify the kidnapping, rape, etc.)
u see this really isnt a hopeful ending either. whats so hopeful about this fucked up relationship?
the way some ppl are romanticising this is a bit concerning
maaan my very first comment was brief and simple lmao i wasnt planning to further explain
hmmm it's not rly about whether it's realistic, but moralistic yk ahaha
again it's fiction
lmao yeah u kinda do sound defensive but wtvr it's cool

Dude you're the one making this longer than necessary I didn't even want to talk about the ending. All I fucking said in the beginning was that, wow hey, cool bonus info on author. The more you know wowie. You could have just left it at that instead of saying "don't see how this has anything to do with my comment" without explaining why. I wasn't worked up before but now I'm pissed off.
Why are you defending this uke so much? Did you even read their past? Do you know what kind of person the uke was/is? The seme/highschool uke was literally the most normal dude who had a very simple love for uke/highschool seme and then he just loses this bcs while the uke/highschool seme did love him, it was a little twisted and not communicated very well, with their relationship being more akin to sex buddies. It is specifically stated that even if the seme/highschool uke had tried to refuse sex, the uke/highschool send wouldn't have cared and would have done the same thing anyways. The way you phrase everything that has happened to him sounds like you're defending the shit he did also because just because he also suffered greatly in the end. The two characters are interesting but they're both reprehensible people. You say the uke/highschool seme has gone insane but if you're talking about when his eyes have this hollow look that's the point where he just gives up. He's spent his entire life trying to survive and in this case, trying to escape. But he realizes that there is nothing for him even if he were to escape and kind of just greys out. If anyone turned insane, it was the seme/highschool uke. Mofo stabbed himself in the face and tried to track down some highschool romance he never got over who probably forgot (he did though lol) him and establishes a very elaborate revenge consistenting of rape, kidnapping, all that jazz bcs be managed to remember and record every moment they had together. So yeah, I would consider the seme/highschool to have gone slightly more insane.
I don't know what part you don't understand, please be more specific next time if my explanation is lacking, so I'm going to reexplain the hopefully ending or not portion. You want to know what an ending completely devoid of hope is? The story ending when they meet at the burned down warehouse and the uke/highschool seme just leaves. That leaves a very concrete ending and offers no hope for the CHARACTERS, who BOTH wanted to be with each other, whether or not it's due to feeling born of stockholm syndrome or as remnants of their past.
Addressing you're romanticism point. I know exactly how terrible the acts committed were and how badly they effect each other. I prefectly understand the gravity of the themes and actions, but I'm not as pessimistic enough as to say there is no chance that they would ever want to be together/able to be together. Currently in the story, their relationship isn't perfect but they're both willing to try. That's not me with my romanticized filter of the ending, that's literally what happens, that's what offers hope. The fact that they might be able to be happy again. As far as the manhwa shows, they're acting like nervous schoolchildren bcs they both don't want to mess it up. It's really not funny at all, but damn it was so funny when they showed up with the same food and cake. My point is, it's not romanticism if this is literally the relationship that is depicted in the end. On the other hand, if the seme/highschool uke were to cut off the dude's arms and legs and kept him captive forever, that's when saying "uwu they're together! What a happy ending, so cute pog!" is romanticizing it. Even applying that to this ending wouldn't be right.
And uh, I'm not sure what you meant by a moralistic ending because that definition is "overfond of making moral judgements about others' behavior; too ready to moralize." Did you mean the author should have made an ending that was morally acceptable, or something else?

siiigh i dont think i can do this anymore this has got to be the longest conversation i had online lol & i dont even remember the details of the story.
i was just giving an example, i wasnt dismissing what the seme went through during their past. However, the uke/ highschool seme's manipulation & abuse towards the seme/ highschool uke cannot possibly compare to the crimes committed & the trauma inflicted by the current seme. thats why i was focused on the uke
discussing the whole plot wasnt rly my intention so yeah

wow i didnt realise at first bc i skimmed quickly through the first paragraph but ur tone really isnt it.
what u "fucking said in the beginning" didnt sound like "oh hey cool bonus info" it sounded more like "uhh what the-- did u not read the freakin disclaimer??"
so i guess u couldve worded it better.
anyways have a good day

Bro what in my first response I didn't even talk about my own opinion on the ending or anything I just said stuff about the authors. But then I thought you didn't know why I typed that so I had to explain the whole thing and ig it kinda spiraled out of control after that. But no, I wasn't trying to discuss the ending in my original comment.

You not liking my tone doesn't mean anything. Tone doesn't change the validity of anything I said and I could really care less if you found issue with that. The first comment wasn't supposed to be sarcastic, it was like a did you know: there are more plastic flamingos than real ones wowie fun fact wow

the art is SO fluffy u wouldn't expect their relationship to turn out like that(ˉ▽ˉ;)...
i rly liked the pregnancy, going into labour, breastfeeding,...etc. they were refreshing
as well as hosik n jiwoon's friendship and of course the kids
HOWEVER u guys
this seme has got to be one of the most obsessive, manipulative,controlling semes EVER
also, lets not forget the RAPE╰(‵□′)╯
i did find their past lives to be interesting, again, minus the rape
i think i wouldve RLY liked this manhwa if the seme was at least decent yk(¬_¬")