One thing is clear: this story is not for everyone.

I think this is the same instinct that make people participate in things just because everyone else is and they want to follow the cloud. They don't want to feel left out.
Like going to a party that you would not care about but since everyone is going, they go too. Then they sit there whining about the music, the food, the people and if asked why the went, they reply with some idiotic excuse like 'oh, because the place looked so nice' ... that is the equivalent of the people who say they read for the 'art'.
It give also a lot of these people an opportunity to make themselves feel superior by shaming the readers with some version of moral superiority.
Even the people who say 'I dropped long time ago' but hang here on the topics, reading and following the story by proxy. Like hanging on the parking lot of the party, still unable to go home and saying that they are not interested. Okay.

If I thought of Seungho as an abuser and only an abuser this story would be very boring for me. I would be disregarding all the other aspects of his character that are there for a reason and there would be no point in reading this because whatever he does from now on, whatever happens in the story or whatever development his character may have it wouldn't be enough for me if I already condemned him.
This story contains rape, but it is not a rape story. It is only a plot device (yes cheap and overused in bl in general but who can blame the author at this point).
It's definitely part of the story, but if you are stuck on the rape part and that's all you see, maybe this theme triggers you and should be more careful about what type of stories you choose to read.

It's easy to empathize with Nakyum because we witnessed all the abuse he was subjected to. But we tend to forget that Seungho was once a victim himself and he still is in a way. There was a time when Seungho wasn't an abuser, those who know him best (Jihwa and Mr Kim) don't hate him, they care about him, because they know the person he once was is still there. And Nakyum saw a glimpse of that person too. I feel for both of them. They have suffered a lot. I hope we get to see them overcome their trauma together and build a relationship as healthy as possible.

Of course, Seungho was once a victim himself, but the trauma that he endured is merely an explanation and not a justification for his actions. Nakyum did nothing wrong, and was still abused horribly. Nakyum deserves better. Yes, hopefully they can each overcome their trauma, and hopefully Seungho can again become the person he once was, but it would be best for them to do so separately.

I understand what you guys mean about them parting ways. But I think it's really hard for a person to overcome their trauma alone. I think the key in this case is to help each other. In the beginning they initiated positive changes in each other. Even though they found themselves in a bad situation, they did connect. Unfortunately everything went to hell. But I think there's still hope.
If they are each on their own again they'll just continue to be the way they were. Both were leading a really miserable life and they'll go back to that. I think they need each other.

Thats a really interesting point, I didn't think of it that way. Still, maybe they could overcome their trauma with other people? It's just that the idea of them staying together, despite the abuse that Seungho put Nakyum through really rubs me the wrong way. I genuinely don't think they need each other, I can definitely see how it would feel that way for them though. I know this is all just fiction but I can't help but think if these were people who existed right now, it would be a terrible decision overall for them to stay together.
It's nice to see a lighter chapter for once. It felt so strange to see Seungho being playful with Nakyum, It's nice to see that side of him. And I like that Nakyum is talking confidently to him like that. I really loved their interaction, Seungho is trying and seems sincere.
I hate Inhun, but the flashback makes you understand why Nakyum would fall in love with him. He seemed like such a sweet person.