I see a lot of people hating on her, and while I understand it, I also don’t think she’s an inherently bad person, i think she just REALLY cares for Josh (in a maternal way) and would do anything and fight anyone for him.
she’s also really paranoid ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

She’s giving Duchess Sofia Winterwald vibes from I will change the genre. Sofia loved and cared for her mistress Vanessa and after she passed, Sofia cared for and raised Vanessa’s child, even neglecting and leaving her own child with a nanny. It’s the same for her, the head maid loved the late Duchess, while both Edwin and Josh are her sons, Josh takes more after the late Duchess. Ig she wants to be not replace but step into a motherly role for Josh.

what I would GIVE a LONGG slow burn version of this manga. its amazing as is, but as of right now there are a lot of loose ends (like Sentarous career) and I, like a lot of people, think it ended unfortunately abruptly. I hope there are more side stories to come! (But honestly I don’t want the farther to be revealed, that would ruin the message of the story.)

The fact that so many people struggle to comprehend the complexities of characters like Rashta is genuinely appalling to me. Rashta is not a good person by any means, but that doesn’t make her a demon straight from hell either. If you suffered your whole life and was suddenly presented with a opportunity to live happily, would you not do everything in your power to achieve that? I swear, these comments make my blood boil. Bring back media literacy, bring back empathy even. Rashta isn’t your scapegoat for all things evil and bad, if you want someone to hate, hate Sovieshu, not the 17 year old girl.
And don’t even start with “but she’s just a fictional character” because I really don’t care, it’s the principle, not the situation that matters.

You know it would be different if she was just annoying but she abused an animal, murdered innocent people over assumptions, and abused her children. If I suffered in life and finally get a chance at happiness I wouldn’t actively ruin the lives of other people who did nothing to me. That’s why people have no empathy for her she’s evil and people would react differently in her situation. Like me personally if I became the mistress of a Emperor I would make sure the Empress wouldn’t have me killed and then I would just sit pretty minding my business doing nothing, I wouldn’t try to undermine the Empress and frame her for things she didn’t do, I wouldn’t kill random servants that the Emperor just so happened to look at for 5 seconds, honestly if I was even thinking I could’ve been the mistress of that Viscount he already loved me even tho I was a slave and he adores the child I gave birth to I wouldn’t even have to deal with royalty politics I could sit in some viscounty being loved by the heir to the land and his father and sister who hated me couldn’t do anything about it unless they wanted to ruin the reputation of the viscounty. Trashta had so many options and she chose the worst ones she deserves no empathy for making bad decisions at some point you guys need to sit and think whose really at fault. Soveshit is garbage piece of shit who will get his shit rocked since he also makes stupid bad decisions but he didn’t tell Trashta to abuse a bird or to kill women servants that looked pretty she did that by herself that was her decision to do and that’s why people don’t like her cuz not only does she make evil decisions but like you will blame somebody else for them as if she didn’t actively make them herself. Like who told her to stab that servant as she was making her escape? Nobody she did that cuz she made an assumption which then bit her in the ass. She’s a delusional coward just like Soveshit they’re a match made in hell

Thank you and exactly, I’m sick of people saying that everyone else would react the same way like no I would not abuse animals and kill people to obtain happiness if I was in this situation like what they keep telling others to read the story but conveniently leave out all the wrong she does in favor of blaming Soveshit and the other shitty men in her life like okay those guys are absolute ass but they did not tell her to kill innocent people and to abuse an animal

Oh no I fully understand where you’re coming from, like by no means is she a good or even forgivable character, and nothing can excuse what she did. She’s genuinely fucked up in more than one way. But at the same time, it just makes me feel icky seeing people rejoice over the death of a 17 year old girl who’s done horrible, horrible things but has also lived an equally horrible life. I get it’s not supposed to be a tragedy, but it’s not supposed to be something to celebrate either, it’s a bittersweet moment in the manwha and a lot of people aren’t quite getting that.
Another thing is that I genuinely do think that- although she’s definitely deluding herself into thinking everyone’s forgiven her at her death- she is, in some ways, sorry. She knows what she did was wrong, but- at least in her fucked up perspective of the world- it was all she could do to survive (which it obviously was not).
I also admit I may have been a little bit mad when writing this comment after seeing all the comments absolutely ragging on Rashta after I genuinely got a bit emotional over her death. So I do apologize if it sounds a bit aggressive I do still stand by my media literacy point, regardless of wether people think it applies to this specific situation, it’s become a increasingly scarce skill that I wished more people actually tried to learn. Oh well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Fair enough I think I misunderstood your comment because I thought you were one of the people who were excusing her wrong doings just because she was a slave. Some people do take it too far tho like I know we all hate her but damn you’d think she did mass genocide on an orphanage the way some people reacted but she’s not that evil. I wish better media literacy too on this site cuz why awhile ago I was reading this BL My Suha and for whatever reason people believe that the characters in the side story should’ve gotten together instead of ending it like they did. To make a long story short the characters in that side story were abusive to each other and there was major status inequalities going on yet people still believed that they loved each other like no one guy fell in love the other guy fucking hates him like please pay attention
Accidental rambling of My Suha my bad

Honestly! I always get whiplash from seeing a manwha (or manga or manhua) about 2 people who absolutely should NOT be together, like where its to the point where I genuinely get worried the manwha will turn into a psychological at times(I can’t think of any perfect examples but ig killing stalking kinda has that audience) and then all the comments are like “they’re so cute I hope hey get together” like huh?? Did we read the same manwha??
Oh and yeah there’s no excuse for what Rashta has done, tho I wish more people saw the middle ground (like you). It’s getting to a point where it’s just annoying seeing so many people loose their minds arguing over wether she was born a demon baby and deserves a fate worse than death or is an angel who did nothing wrong just cause she had a traumatic past. Like man I’d be insulted if I was the author and people thought my villain was that shallow of a character

Author probably feels bittersweet cuz at one hand they wrote a villain character so well that people hate her so much and are analyzing her but then on the other hand there’s some psychos being super weird about their hatred for her, random misogynist, and then people treating her like some baby girl who could do no wrong like what some people need to take a chill pill cuz at the end of the day is still just fiction we should not be wishing death and other horrible things on people over discussion about Trashta. It’s like Detroit Become Human and Danganronpa all over again but instead of Todd and Korekiyo it’s Trashta. Some people need to calm down
Don’t get me wrong I think it’s a great story but Gido has hit me with a deadly case of 2nd male lead syndrome and I genuinely can’t root for the main couple anymore.. agh I’m gonna find a childhood friends to lovers trope manwha to read now ( ̄へ ̄)