oh MY GOD THESE ARE SO GOOD WHY AM I ONLY FINDING OUT ABT THESE MASTERPIECES NOW??? both stories are perfect omg i love wholesome stories like these i feel so warm and fuzzy rn
IM CRYING AT THE DADDY PART HELPPSKSJDDJ ik this is pretty mid but i kept reading it till the end like it humoured me ngl it has some potential but the short length watered it down ig
and what a beautiful smile :((((( these cozy cuddles and life talks together it's so domestic it makes me feel so warm inside i wish their peace lasts forever but ik chaos is gonna happen soon
this is heartbreaking im in tears what the fuck i didn't hate his father enough i hope this monster never sees daylight again
this author has the talent of bringing me to tears the angst is angsting and the love is loving like my emotions are overflowing rn this was very moving to read
what the actual fuck?? and he calls himself a father??????? bitch i hope you die a very miserable and lonely death and no one attends your funeral
the way i'm not even bothered with the whiplash i felt whenever a new couple was introduced abruptly i love everything abt this like man THE EMOTIONS ARE FLOWING AND MY TEARS KEEP FOLLOWING SUIT the perfect angst with the perfect hurt/comfort trope with the perfect dynamic between couples one thing i would complain abt is that i wanted more chaps i feel like there's a lot more to invest into especially the archer story
i feel like im the odd man out in the comments section but i don't like how the relationship "started" first sexually assaulting the mc twice by grabbing his ass and then having sex with him AND getting him pregnant while the mc was drunk? ngl this was such a turn off that i couldn't even enjoy their reunion (not that there's anything different; the same pushy behaviour from the ml) nor look forward to their rs development maybe im getting old and this kind of trope no longer does it for me... the art is pretty and the plot although typical is still enjoyable to follow but i don't think i can engage myself in more than 50 chaps for this couple let alone more so im dropping it from now (chap 13)
yo this is way too good wth?? the comedy the romance the action everything's written to perfection i haven't laughed this hard in a while and i teared up at a lot of instances the author certainly have a way of immersing the reader emotionally through writing and art!! this one's easily a 10/10
this is such a good read it's hilarious and fluffy it has the right amount of comedy and romance for both couples which i equally adore >< the focus on high school/uni life and the growth in-between all while tackling the challenges one can go through as a person as a child as a teenager as an adult as a sibling as a son as a friend and as a partner is truly enriching i can self-identify with lots of parts of every character which is super comforting
the little blush after jeonsu confessed I CANT HANDLE THIS THEYRE SO CUTE the way this abrupt and spontaneous confession suits jeonsu's innocent and sensitivite personality he wears his emotions on his sleeve despite being dense and i find that the most lovable trait in his characterisation like this is so satisfying to me i can't imagine a better setup for their confession
thank you god thank you uploader thank you author-nim WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED these two are going to be the death of me their intimate scenes ARE TOO INTIMATE I CANT BREATHE
ml have no fucking right to be worried or show any concern when mf is the one who led mc to this miserable state... ik he feels betrayed but the least he could've done is locking mc alone in a room rather than turning him into an addict and screwing him every night i hope ml gets to suffer every day from remorse bc of what he did hopefully he makes up for it in his next life...
WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK!!! had to reread to refresh my memory and reenjoy every little bit of this story s2 be starting with a treat ouf
wtf?????? never in my life i thought i'd witness a manhwa being discontinued while it's mid side stories i hope they can find a new publisher asap ugh
woah i think this is his first time taking the initiative?? usually it's the other guys going down on him
he's down so bad for him... times like these remind me how beautiful love can be lmao