Reposting what Placid said
“Not the comments here saying its a waste of art. Its not a shitty story. Shitty genre yes? But the art, pacing, story and the dialogues are great. The ending being like that is art itself. An open ending as you call it. Don’t call it shitty just because its a fuck fest and its contents are questionable when you’ve been warned MULTIPLE time before starting the chapter of its trigger warning. I cant with the snow flakes yapping about it when you cant even read a simple TW. I love the artist and just because they choose to create a FICTIONAL piece that you dont agree on does not make them a shitty artist.
I have to capitalize FICTIONAL cs these snowflakes cant read and i know for a fact theyre gonna twist my word preaching about things. Yall art is art. Fuck yall for calling the artist shitty when you can’t even draw a proper stick figure.”

I've never been so happy finding people who thinks the same as me After a decade of diving into BL, it's always tiring seeing people state bs when they clearly won't listen to the warnings, fiction is fucking fiction. Let the art/work be critiqued appropriately, not based on their "superior" morals in a fictional setting brUh.

Now that the main story has ended, you can read the brother’s story. It’s call “Let me be There”
Lmao…. MC old man reaction to being revived is VERY LAX, and here I think he’d thinks that it’s unbelievable and taboo of his disciple to defy laws and destiny to revived him, causing ML to resort to confinement and Rpe because old man MC strongly defy against ML