How do i new version mangago? I accidentally pressed old version now i cant see any new version button, i tried logging out and logging in then it didn't work
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Can someone help me, I accidentally pressed old version while reading and i cant turn it back, people said that theres a new ver button/mobile ver but i cant find it ANYWHERE im on mobile btw
I think what ur looking for is Mynogrha
Did u commented on the wrong question? Lmaoo
Iro if u'r reading a manga and u accidentally pressed the desktop version, you'll see the "New version" button at the top, left side of ur screen.
2 options:
Scroll all the way down on the main page and click on “mobile ver” (in bold)
Click on your prof pic to bring drop down menu and click on “mobile ver”
Hi guys thanjyou for the people who answered me theres no such button for me in the site but i realized theres a 3 dots on top of the site and theres a desktop and mobile version thankyouuuu