Bruh, be so for real.
You suddenly wanna be his boo after all that rape and gang rape?
Like, the whole story is missing his bro and being raped to help his bro and then his bro dies so all the rape is for nothing.
Bitch please

i mean, his brother died, his only source of meaning in his life is dead.
its prob his lowest point in his life, to the point he's mentally unstable. which prob explains why he fell with all these 'sweet talks'. so easily manipulated ig. his logical brain basically is in a gone rn, call it a coping mechanism or whateva.

With all the rape... I was so terrified this was gonna turn incest.
I'm happier the brother died, because I was really thinking he'd try giving his brother "emergency guiding."

Uh, you just repeated a character fact we're both aware of, you claim to have read everything and understand that only emergency guiding (sex) would've saved the brother; yet you are astounded as to how I could possibly have a notion of the idea that with not just all the rape, but with him needing to emergency guide his brother-- you're bamboozled that I'd think there was a potential risk of incest??
Do you hear yourself?

you’re right: that’s a wildly unpopular opinion. his one driving force in this entire thing was saving his brother and he also repeatedly stated he didn’t care what it took to save his brother he would do it and he KNEW what that meant. apparently it’s also a normalized thing in the world anyway so like idk bro i would rather not see him have gone through all that horrible shit for absolutely nothing but you do you i guess

Why do these stories always make gay men look so ruthless and pathetic.
When I found out my recent partner had raped our friend, I fuckin ghosted that bastard.
Unfortunately, I can't report without the victims consent, but God damn.
Gay men with any sort of conscience do not stick around trash, we throw it out.

Idk if it makes you feel better, but it's not about gay men being pathetic, but rather about how toxic some asian cultures view romance and gender roles.
If you read isekai or other straight romance, the FL's are going around forgiving ML's who killed them and their entire families for a mistress, or sold them into slavery, and a lot of other shit.
But hey, doesn't matter if he's a POS, she's forgiving and will be his rehab. Sounds familiar?
Don't go turning ick on me! Don't be any rape, plz