oof i am now a man

1) initiated sex and expressed consent, including when he told Morinaga outright If he never wanted it, he’d have killed Morinaga by now and left
2) has said he CONSENTS to the relationship and is still with Morinaga because it’s what he wants as well
3) has stopped Morinaga from leaving, despite everyone judging Morinaga for being an asshole and not leaving?
Because I feel like we get one of these three scenarios every single volume but people still don’t get it
These debates/discussions always make me laugh my ass off. You all do realize you're reading soft-core gay porn for women, right? Do you make a habit of deconstructing all the porn you consume? If yaoi isn't porn, why do so many readers hide it like it was their older brother's Penthouse Magazine? Maybe you've never been exposed to porn before? If ......
I was raised by my brother who is gay, his lovers and his friends. I'm bisexual myself. Because of the environment I grew up in, I'm much more comfortable with my friends who are gay being affectionate with their partners than I am seeing a hetero couple engaged in PDA. I don't get embarrassed seeing a gay or lesbian couple together, but I do when ......
Yes, yes, Princess Obvious. Rape is bad. Good girl, here's a treat, now go flash your tits for attention somewhere else. You're an eyesore.
Learn to separate fiction from reality. Rape is bad in real life, we all know that. But that doesn't mean fantasies about it are also bad. There are people that actually enjoy rape play, but would never actually rape someone that's unwilling.