what exactly was that? ^^ Did hen have to sleep with them both at the same time to get rid of the mark?? Did I interpret that right?

Alek told them he was the real marker the night of the Christmas party. Then he tried to sleep with hen and hen was calling out for Ivan the whole time. So alek let Ivan into the room to join. He’s not trying to get rid of the mark he’s trying to transfer pheromones and I think someone else here said that alek is trying to connect their consciousness so maybe hen will choose him over Ivan

I read comments about the author drawing a ship together with Jihyun. Everyone is freaking out about it, saying he was a rapist. Though he didn't really rape Chiwoo? He just forced a kiss once ( which is still wrong, don't get me wrong^^) but that isn't rape is it? Or did I overread something important?^^ Besides the things Jihyun has done to Kyujin later, he is just a little violent teenager who needed therapy to overcome his childhood. Why is everyone making it much worse as it actually is? He never killed anyone, he was in prison although he was innocent. I've read mangas with MUCH worse characters, but Jihyun doesn't fit in with them. Also, he realised that he was wrong after the accident where Chiwoo got hurt and even left. I don't see any point why Chiwoo shouldn't forgive him... unpopular opinion^^

If it would have been exactly like the things shown in the actual comic... I ship them...but not if he really raped him. I don't like rape mangas >.> I actually don't like the fact that he did it...I think I would've been more happy without finding out xD Now I can't like Jihyun like I liked him before xD

I don't understand the last chapter :( What was that porn with Ryan? and why did everyone suddenly see Eds porn? And why did people find out that Mcqueen was the writer of the movie? And why does that affect Ed? ^^ sorry but I'm confused

McQueen had mentioned that he'd done a film for a republican candidate or senator or something. Some news frenzy involving that candidate threw McQueen and his new work to the forefront. It was found out that while he directed certain types of films, he lived a double life as a porn actor/director. His most recent release was a lovey-dovey one with Ed so people were interested in it and Ed both found his image known by civilians and of course other people who watch porn (when he begins escorting, he's extremely in demand because people are curious about the man with Glen – something told to readers by Chang who hates it all).
And Ed's life is ruined in the classic "being associated with porn ruins your reputation within your circle" way (you can read about it happening to other porn stars if you do a quick google).
Hope that helps.

mhhhh I think Subin doesn't love Hyung as mach as he loves Subin... o.o It's not fair for Hyung.... A loooong time I was team HyunwooxSubin... then I was Team HyungxSubin.... and now, after reading the specials, I think I'm team HyunwooxSubin again, because Hyung loves Subin much more than Subin loves him and I think he deserves better? Idk... can't explain^^

I'm a little confused since the last three chapters o.o Jung Yohan loves Park Moogyeong...and Park Moogyeong realised he loves Jung Yohan too ( right? ) So now that Jung Yohans friend helped them a little to realise, Jung Yohan confessed when he was sick. Did I miss the part where they became a couple? And what strange thoughts does Park Moogyeong have? Feels like he doesn't want that relationshop at all o.o Am I seeing this completely wrong? I feel like I missed so much since the confession >,>

Yes, it's mutual, Moogyeong is just awkward now that it's actually happening. He's not sure how to act in the first place, let alone in the face of Yohan's aggressiveness, is what he was saying. He's saying he doesn't know how to handle himself right now, but that he likes Yohan's aggressiveness despite it making him unsure how to act.

I'm a bit sad they made him THAT much of a bad person.... I liked him at the beginning...and I was hoping for him to become happy and change back to his nice self. But the author kept making him worse and worse and now it's hard to feel sad for him ) although I do^^ ) Does anyone get what I mean? I wished that he would become someone you like, but after all he has done it's nearly impossible. Would've been much better if he was one of these "goood" vilians that actually DOES bad stuff, but not that bad, that you can't forgive...
I'm not quite sure what happened in chapter 38? So they both wished to date the other toghether with sunny and moony, so what exactly was the problem? Why was it Hwans fault that Chiwoo went through all this monster fights? I'm confused^^ ( I understand Hwan is a little obsessed since he met Chiwoo, that's not what I mean )