what exactly was that? ^^ Did hen have to sleep with them both at the same time to get rid of the mark?? Did I interpret that right?
Alek told them he was the real marker the night of the Christmas party. Then he tried to sleep with hen and hen was calling out for Ivan the whole time. So alek let Ivan into the room to join. He’s not trying to get rid of the mark he’s trying to transfer pheromones and I think someone else here said that alek is trying to connect their consciousness so maybe hen will choose him over Ivan
I'm not quite sure what happened in chapter 38? So they both wished to date the other toghether with sunny and moony, so what exactly was the problem? Why was it Hwans fault that Chiwoo went through all this monster fights? I'm confused^^ ( I understand Hwan is a little obsessed since he met Chiwoo, that's not what I mean )