Damn I thought he was going to be sick not sink back into depression and give up again.
But on the positive note, Doha has him all to himself. Plot keep plotting.
I don't think Yongtaek is okay. But that's just a theory.
Yeah I can't imagine having sex with a broken leg with no cast on. That must be some good drugs.
Lol like what? He's angry that his old master gave him to his loser legitimate son? Dude, don't blame that guy for being rejected by his biological dad.
Our big bear looked so cute and satisfied after eating his meal. He better live through this.
I'm sorry but if your bf's shirt is drenched in a killer's blood, that's not the time to put it on. It's either sticky or crunchy. (@_@;)
I swear some of yall in the comments are looking real shady with those pillows in your hands. Why are yall inching closer to grandma with those pillows? (;^_^A
Sooo.... Are they winning? Are they losing? Was the answer true love all along?
No seriously.
Wtf is going on?
Bwahaha! I can't believe the scene of the baby was when Beom was calling it fat and ugly. The poor girl looked like a fat monk. It takes a minute (hopefully) for their looks to set in. Imo all newborn babies look like fat cranky senior citizens.
I cannot get over the cuteness of this story. The paws. The courageous leap. The Napoleon complex! ((o(^∇^)o))
Can someone recommend other stories like this one? It doesn't have to be yaoi. I just want more cute comedies.
Demoness Moni was crawling out of that portal like the girl in the Ring. What about Lithera's death made everyone shop at Hot Topic? f(^_^)
Yay! Both characters appears to have some sense and they appear to be clean. Great start of a prison romance.
So apparently it takes one year to recover from falling off a cliff, learn how to fight, get a rich hot boyfriend and start a new gang to get revenge against your psycho ex.
I know the uke is supposed to be badass now but he reminds me of a younger sibling trying to fit in with a much older sibling and their friends. Or a puppy trying to fight it's dad while the dad is trying to relax. It's kinda cute that he thinks some earrings and knife makes him tough. ( *´・ω)/(;д; )
So I'm confused about the uke being masked during the live streams. For the cosplay contest, wasn't his picture unmasked? I mean everyone one voted for him and they could see his face. The viewers know he's the guy in the contest in the live stream. Why is he still masked when the viewers know his face from the cosplay picture?
Honestly, that cat is so ugly if he killed it he would be putting it out of its misery. ┐(-。-;)┌ My heart nearly jumped out chest when I saw his derpy face.
* Cue the angry cat ppl* (`∀´)
Am I the only one who forgot the ML had a traumatic scar? When MC brought it up, I was like "What scar?" Took me a minute to find it lol 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。