Kairi is just a scared child. He shouldn't get a complete pass for his actions, but y'all are being really unfair to him. Can we stop brushing off how harmful internalized homophobia is?
(trying to get potential spoilers under a cut)
A boy who is plagued by internalized homophobia due to being called disgusting at an important turning point in his life, one where he JUST learned that he liked boys. It's almost like he is trying to avoid confronting what he has learned to be disgusting (i.e. his love for Wataru) and overcompensating for his homosexuality/bisexuality/pansexuality in "normal and expected" behaviors (i.e. playing around with girls and cutting Wataru out of his life).
Let's slut-shame him, shame in general, and wish him great sadness and illness for not knowing that being LGBTQIA+ is okay. (/sarcasm) Maybe just put yourselves in his shoes and empathize or just sympathize with what he is feeling.
I understand, but he shouldn't take it out on other people, is what most people are thinking. I personally think it's mostly the girl's fault, but if Kairi wasn't so caught up in having a good image at such a young age, and being able to impress other people by doing inappropriate things, instead of listening to his parents, then that's what most people would get upset about. You know what I mean? I still agree with you, though.
I just think people aren't thinking the situation through and truly understanding why Kairi's going through this and making these decisions. There are real world problems that come with being LGBTQIA+ across the globe, which include homicide, suicide, disownment, depression, anxiety, social exclusion and isolation. Trying to protect yourself from these problems shouldn't warrant complete demonization.
In addition, HE'S A KID. HIS BRAIN IS NOT FULLY DEVELOPED. We shouldn't be overestimating what a prepubescent kid/teenager knows when he is at an age where you are more likely to make impulsive decisions due to the frontal lobe (the part of the brain where rational thinking takes place) not being fully developed. All he knows is that being outside the social norm is "disgusting" and being "normal" is the goal. He has been raised to believe this to be true because society very much impresses these norms and mores through reactions to deviancy (deviancy as in the sociological term).
Why are people uploading this group's scans? They have continuously said not to upload their works. Jfc.
That won't ever stop, shit like this happens all the time and nothing can be done about it unless they make the scans private :/ tough luck.
The scans are private. The only way to have access to them is through the scanlation group's private website, one that has been closed off for a while because of the uploading.
There's clearly a rat in the group that won't stop no matter how many times they're called out :|
It fucking sucks, too, because I've been waiting for a chance to join the group myself, but the rat is ruining it for people who want to join just to enjoy the manga.
That sucks but they'll probably figure it out, they'll poison the rat. Hahahahahahahaha
Is there a way to be a part of the group scan to read their scan without bothering them ?
I remember a groupe "the anon group" that was imossible to contact too. You had to search a ting on a website and contact them when you found it, byt they never reply :/
Do not mind the wtf not free. It was a title for another commentary wwhere a chapter of a Free dj was remplace by another manga XD
Do not mind the wtf not free. It was a title for another commentary wwhere a chapte
I don't think they're going to be accepting new members for a long while, even if we just wanted to enjoy the manga. It sucks, but I don't blame them.
If I were the "leader" I'd shut down the group and then slowly re add the original members, then find the rat. :)
Oh ok thank you for your answer. It's really sad for "honest" reader. ( I'm the same person that you answered, i wasn't logged).
No problem. :) This scanlation group are also not the only ones going through this. It's seeming to be a pervasive problems for both private and public groups lately. Another group that was actually uploading their manga onto MangaGo almost went underground because people weren't following their release rules. The group actually uploaded for us even though they hated aggregator sites, but people got too impatient to wait. This unwanted uploading is ruining the experience for both the honest reader and the casual readers.