yuk asked question about question

i failed two of my quizzes, wasn't able to submit two of my activities coz the school's wifi was acting up, forgot my vaccine appointment and my app subscription keeps getting declined (the worst of all) i literally used up my whol year's worth of bad luck today AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......

yuk answered question about question
i am christian, specifically a roman catholic. our country has been heavily influenced by christianity, and the church has a big role and influence in our culture, politics and many more. i studied at a catholic school during my elementary years, and now that im college, i returned to studying in a catholic institution. the people i grew up with we......
yuk created a topic of Door no Mukou ni wa Romance

the author should have made a whole volume of kagami grovelling... not even 5 minutes of suffering

yuk asked a question

i wanna perform their favorite song, but you know they love to sue

yuk answered question about question
im taking it. no second thoughts. im so poor, man..do u think i have rhe luxury to be picky in this economy?, i dont care it theyre ugly, fat or old... I NEED THAT MONEEEEEY!!!!! pls just give the damn money. im dead serious. im literally wishing for months now rhat an ugly, smelly old grandpa would just take a liking at me and will financially sus......
yuk created a topic of In Good Faith

they're saying this has potential, but i dont see it. it's literally no different from other bl. honestly, it's better that it ended this way at least it saved the story from being bad to worse. and if it continued, i can already guess how the story would go.

yuk answered question about question
antibacterial soap > cetaphil > moisturizer > suncreen (only when i go out) > petroleum jelly for my lips i used to use toner and facial wash, but too many chemicals can do more harm than good. using fewer products made my skin look and feel better more than following full skincare routine. just find what works best for your skin.
yuk answered question about question
not just in bl but stories in general. i dont like mcs who are pure, kind, nice, selfless, and saint-like, while everyone else are made to be the villain just to make the mc look good. nice mcs are boring. i prefer those who are morally gray and outright scummy. i like it when they are the problem.
yuk followed question about question

Please, lightsabers come back. I can't keep up with worms and shriveled balls anymore. Seriously, why are most BLs these days uncensored?

26 days
yuk created a topic of My Sadistic Master

yaaaay, another character added to my hate list ᕙ[・・]ᕗ

yuk answered question about question
egg cells always carry the X chromosome. BUUUT that's only because that's how biology works in real life. women have XX chromosomes, so when they undergo meiosis, their egg cells will only carry the X chromosome. but we're not talking about real life here lol. since it's omegaverse (obv a fiction) and male omegas are biologically male (XY), they co......
yuk created a topic of The Sound of Falling Tears

tbh, i dont hate the woman. her reactions are understandsble except for her homophobia of course. she was deceived in their relationship... the man she thought she would marry wasn't actually serious about her and was in love with someone else. if u actually try to see things from her pov, you'll understand how rokuro did her dirty in their relationship. it was unfair. i just dont like how she took it out on rui... he's innocent.

yuk created a topic of The Sound of Falling Tears

they're so miserable, and im loving it. i need more bls like this. recommend me some please

yuk created a topic of Anta Wa Ore No Omega Daro

ignoring the problematic parts of the story, i just want to say woooow. i really liked how the author handled pregnancy in this story. they actually portrayed Itsuki’s concerns in a realistic way. Itsuki is absolutely rightm... it’s not just about being pregnant but also about everything that comes after... it’s a long-term commitment and responsibility. it's so rare to see an mpreg bl that actually takes these things seriously. :00

the girl is kinda annoying, but aren't the comments too much? HAHAHA yall aren't giving the same hate energy toward other persistent, clingy, stalker mls

yuk answered question about question
i still haven't bought all my dream art materials
yuk answered question about question
pork, beef, chicken, vegetables... steamed, boiled, fried, or in soup... with or without rice. dumplings are literally the only thing, second to noodles, that keep me alive as a lazy college student living alone
yuk answered question about i need to study
The studying tip that worked on me is knowing your learning style and trying studying techniques (feynman technique, pomodoro technique, active recall, mnemonics, flashcards, etc) that suits you. You can also make transes if you're not lazy... it's time-consuming (for me) but worth it for reviewing. Listen to your teachers and taking notes includin......
yuk answered question about question
i still can't believe you guys actually make friends here on mangago and talk with them outside of this site. not tryna be mean... im genuinely amazed