This poor guy :( this would be really hot if it was consensual and the seme wasn't so fucked in the head. This family single handedly ruining this poor man's life
Nah bro I think the entire dynamic between the two characters is hella disturbing, and all the disturbing comes from 1 side of the "relationship" Iunia
i was not taking about that kind of dynamic.. i was talking about the young seme x older uke type of dynamic.. smh
i was not taking about that kind of dynamic.. i was talking about the young seme x older uke type of dynamic.. smh Yuu
I see, it wasn't clear in your original comment exactly what kind of dynamic you were talking about. Yeah I also like when things kinda get flip flopped with older uke or buffer uke
Dude laying your habds on another person's child? If I was Garam's mom I woulda gone over and slaughtered the ex's mom, it wouldn't matter if she caught them hiding a body. Other people never have the right to beat my kid (purely hypothetical child but still)
Ok but I wanna know, since we learn later on that he actually already had his memories back, why did he throw away the ring in the first place? Was he just angry and lashing out?
I swear BL boutta give me a pec obsession. Also I feel like red head accidentally flipped cuz's switch...