The ml should let FL go. It's not good to keep her the empress just because of greed. Besides,FL got that title because she was the wife of the brother. If ml wants to marry the FL,he needs to depose her so that she becomes a lady again. It's not good if she remains in that position given by the former emperor just because ml wants to.

Show me your SHAMELESS.. Lol. What an embarrassment,a fool,a delulu. Lol. Lilia falling in the staircase is her Karma. This is one of my fave moment hahhaha. Anyway,I still don't like her family. I read a manhwa,it only ended recently if I'm not mistaken. In the ending,the FL was married to the ml. In their wedding,her father and her brothers attended but they never bother to go near FL,instead they were satisfied to see her from afar. They knew that they've hurt the FL so much,so much that it won't easy to forget. She did forgive them but they knew as well that she cannot easily forget what they did to her. I forget the name of the manhwa. I hope that her father and her brothers will do the same. Like the cp said,when the word SISTER was said, they're confused as to whom this title belongs to because the sister for them is that bitch and not FL. The affection and love are pointed to the bitch while the neglect is directed to FL. Toxic family members.

I love the badass saintess. Anyway,these two siblings are too greedy and funny at the same time. They ruined their mother's funeral because of their greed and now that their scheme didn't work they become coward. I hope they won't let that priest go easily since he conspired with those greedy siblings. That whore Carnie even said that this is not what they agreed on,so meaning there are talks in the beginning between them and that priest. They agreed to ruin their mother's funeral for this comedy show to sabotage FL but it failed since Ml was their as well. Maybe they forgot about him or that they did not know that he will come with his wife. Maybe they are confident that Shuden couldn't come because of some matters. This is a good opportunity to evict that whore from her new position and his brother to be cast out from the duchy. Well, I hope Shuden will kill him in their duel. They brought this up on themselves,they should be punished.

Ignorance is a bliss but ignorance is also a sin. Complicated, right?. Well,I like Nadia being Nadia,she is honest with her feeling, she's naive, she's understanding, she's lovely,sweet,brave and ignorant. But she lacks something,I hope she bites sometimes. People trample on her because she's too much soft,she easily forgives.
This is the first ml who is a delulu,lol. Their misunderstanding is kinda hilarious and annoying at the same time lol. Actually,I understand FL because the real behavior of the duke is scary not sweet or delulu. Ofc,if I were her I would also think of the possibility of the things he'd do to me once his memories will come back. What if I follow him and in an instant when his memories came back he will not only kick me out of his house but he will threat me and kill me? I know there's no author that wrote something like that because they make sure that after the ml gain his memories back he finally was madly in love with Fl.
There is also this possibility that they were lovers in their past lives but that arc is so used.
don't worry, when he got his memories you'll realized he's a man of his misunderstanding and shameless enough
tbh this is the only way i like the misunderstanding troupe. when it’s extremely comical
I like the misunderstanding from the duke's side, he's hilarious
Is it near or not yet?