My ideal aesthetics clash with reality. Do you ever feel like this but actually look like this? ~~ This is hard. The only real attempt I do at keeping a consistent style/aesthetic is for my house and polite lifestyle I spent 2 hours in this rabbit hole and now I want to redo my kitchen and get a new tattoo. God I hate pinterest
Somewhere in 2014. That was the good old days seriously. This place used to be my safe haven to read all kinds of manga, now it just filled with people that scares me
Okay.... Cyber bullying is bad... But being racist/offensive is too???? Just because this is an illegal site doesn't mean you have the rights to say pedophilia is okay, you still can't say the LGBT community isn't valid, etc. I wish this site had a report button so I wouldn't have to patiently wait for those assholes to just decide to deactivate ......
I'm all for independence and being single but I'm scared that I might never get to experience a wonderful relationship. I don't care if it doesn't last but I want to experience something meaningful. I think I just realized that I want to have pure feelings. I want to have pure feelings for someone and I want their feelings to be pure for me. I d......
Do you know what type of ink your friend used? I can give advice but first PLEASE DON'T HURT YOUR SKIN TRYING STUFF OUT
First, my personal opinion is that people need privacy at a certain age and if your parents have the means to provide it but won't, for whatever reason, it's a problem. If you want to continue to talk about this and manage to convince them; offer them a spare key to keep in a neutral area like the kitchen. It's not for your stepfather's pocket,......
if this crush of yours catches wind of your "true self/inner pervert" he is N E V E R leaving you alone. What planet are you on? Do you have any idea how horny teenage boys are??? Be SAFE and explore those emotions by yourself for a while before worrying about sharing them.
Would you be interested in lesbian erotica? Because yeah manga doesn't seem to be getting anywhere in the femdom category but there are some pretty interesting female pov stories out there.
Tea parties should be normalized again and everyone should hold them.
is life fucking you hard right now??