I was 18 when I lost it. I am 23 now. Have had 3 sexual partners. When you guys loose it, make sure it is with someone you feel safe and comfortable around. You don't need to love them. Of course, sex feels better when emotions are involved, however, sex itself still feels pretty good.
Hmm I feel like I can't accurately answer this question. I'm pansexual, I enjoy reading both yaoi and yuri and I actually started reading dj's before reading actual manga, so I'm a bit higher on the scale there. I can't really understand why people would read gay porn and then not support real life gay people. Somehow, I doubt your god, whoever i......
Yeah, I think so. I want to get married when I am like 28 or around that age. I first want to focus on my career and build it up so I can have my own financial guarantee. I definitely want to spend rest of my life with someone I love and enjoy being with every second. I also want a child (or two - one boy one girl - not sure), house to grow old wit......
Fuck no. The thought has never even crossed my mind (as far as I can remember). Also, how the hell does killing yourself/someone else gives you/them happiness. They're dead, they don't feel happiness. Their suffering may have ended but they'll never know that, will they (unless you believe in life after death).
Never once i ever consider for that- i rather trade myself for her happiness.
No, sadly I have never had the guts to confess. I once had a crush on a senior two years above me in middle school, who unexpectedly went to the same high school and goes to the same university as me now. I was shocked and thrilled after learning that he made a twitter account and I was the first person he followed! but never have I taken the initi......
I would say yes it is weird. If you desire to become a man for the sole purpose of having gay sex, then I would say your priorities are skewed. You should also take into consideration that a lot more goes into anal sex than yaoi manga implies. Anal sex also carries more health risks than vaginal sex. It sounds more like you fetishize gay men which ......
100million?? Y'all wild I'd stop reading EVERYTHING and become illiterate for a 100 mill Plus you can always just watch yaoi or gay porn lmao shit with 100 million you can pay yaoi animators to make you a whole yaoi anime. Gotta read the between the lines
I've never felt the need to tell anyone since yaoi is essentially gay porn. I've always been just content with enjoying it privately tho. And with homophobia running rampant where I live I'm especially not jumping to tell anyone. I'm sorry this happened to you OP. People irl wouldn't understand, especially if they're homophobic or don't watch anime......
Awesome answers already. Here is my opinion, based on experience and making it a hobby to observe everything and everyone. I'm guessing my input is sorta valuable, being both a man and in the... Ummm... Older demographic.... (Please don't panic lol) Ok, here it goes: men do not care about your experience. That's it. The key to successfully survive ......
I don't. I think that every person is a separated and independent entity and there's no other "half of the apple". Call me a sceptic, but I also don't believe love is some mystical force that determines our lives. To me it's based on attraction and free will. However, I like the notion of soulmates in literature.
I do enjoy drawing... Although, I'll admit, sometimes it frustrates me when I can't draw something right. But I really do enjoy drawing. I have quite afew books that help me and I take on long trips so I don't get bored. I also really love coloring in what I drew. I drew this a while ago but it's the only pic of my drawings available right now.
My most hated yaoi definitely 'Koi No Tsumeato', i'm so angry that i wasted my time on it, i despise with all my heart. My most hated non yaoi is Sword Art Online. I just despise it. I don't understand how it is popular when I've seen way better. But my opinion.
When did you first lose you virginity