Kerrrr April 22, 2017 5:42 am

I don't know if straight people realize that this is one of the most accurate portrays of a gay relationship ever to exist in the manga world (ok maybe not the gun part tho).

    Jae April 22, 2017 11:15 am

    I just wanted to thank you! Your comment piqued my interest and without it I didn't think I would have read this manga!

    Kerrrr April 24, 2017 6:14 pm
    I just wanted to thank you! Your comment piqued my interest and without it I didn't think I would have read this manga! @Jae

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ yessss, mission accomplished. It's sadly rare to see male characters acting like.. men!!! Glad you liked it.

    Nine tailed fox April 29, 2017 5:44 pm

    I don't think so tho

    raindragon April 30, 2017 7:27 am
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ yessss, mission accomplished. It's sadly rare to see male characters acting like.. men!!! Glad you liked it. Kerrrr

    I don't see how that's so sad. Why would we want them to act like real men for chrissakes?

    youraedthiswrogn May 15, 2017 1:04 am
    I don't see how that's so sad. Why would we want them to act like real men for chrissakes? raindragon

    Because if the story is relateable and realistic you connect with it better.

    raindragon May 15, 2017 4:15 am
    Because if the story is relateable and realistic you connect with it better. youraedthiswrogn

    I was responding to these two statements: I don't know if straight people realize that this is one of the most accurate portrays of a gay relationship ever to exist in the manga world (ok maybe not the gun part tho). It's sadly rare to see male characters acting like.. men!!!
    The last motherfucking thing I ever want to see is yaoi male characters acting like gay or straight men. gross.
    As to your comment: it's just one person's opinion and you're making it sound like it's the human condition. It's not. Jesus. I have my whole life to be realistic. I don't need it for my life as a reader of yaoi as well.

    youraedthiswrogn May 15, 2017 4:32 am
    I was responding to these two statements: I don't know if straight people realize that this is one of the most accurate portrays of a gay relationship ever to exist in the manga world (ok maybe not the gun par... raindragon

    It's not really a matter of opinion so much as common sense... people tend to connect better with things that they deem possible rather than things they deem far-fetched. You do realize that fantasy can be realistic too, right? I'm not saying realistic as in the story has to be some basic bitch scenario from real life... What is "gross" about seeing actually gay or straight guys in yaoi? So do you only want to read about Bi guys then? People act differently regardless of their sexuality, so i don't see why their sexuality would matter to you. Want to take it down a notch there? You come across bitchy.

    Kerrrr May 15, 2017 8:22 pm

    youraedthiswrogn your username is HILARIOUS. I was multitasking (or trying to) and got curious about the notifications.. it caught my attention when my brain gave up after too many seconds of mindless staring at letters. Does saying IT'S 5 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE make me a basic bitch?? Daydrinking is gross, I kinda had too tho. Don't drink and drive. I can't even drive because I'm recovering frlm a dislocated shoulder. Goddddamn it hurts, I feel stupid for believing the way people instanlty recover from those in movies just by popping the bones back into their right place. BULLSHIT it's been 5 days and it still hurts and I still have to wear that dorky bandage thing. At least I got a black one, can't lose my ambiguous middleaged twink style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which brings me back to the original topic of the conversation: people like what they like lol so I'M SOOO SORRY I like guys acting like guys while fucking guys in porn manga about guys fucking guys lol I'm just so unreasonable. Then again, *someone* must agree with me if the Harada/Zariya/Phyche delico/Yoneda Kou cuartet is... you know, kinda popular, so maybe I'm not the crazy one??? We all ALSO love the girly skinny tearful ukes with the big eyelashes and impromptu lubleless anal sex or we wouldn't be on this website so what was the big deal again? Was there ever? Big manly hug with hairy arms to you all ~~~♡♡♡ lol I hope you can see the kawaii af hearts or this whole thing was MEANINGLESS

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 8:09 am
    youraedthiswrogn your username is HILARIOUS. I was multitasking (or trying to) and got curious about the notifications.. it caught my attention when my brain gave up after too many seconds of mindless staring ... Kerrrr

    I'm glad you found the humor intended in my username. (●'◡'●)ノ I actually wasn't the one who had issues with straight/gay men in yaoi manga, that was raindragon. I was responding saying i didn't understand what would be "gross" about seeing a realistic gay/straight man in yaoi manga. I don't personally care about raindragon's tastes, i just didn't understand their logic as sexuality doesn't make you think and act a certain way, so i don't get why they'd hate seeing a certain sexuality in yaoi manga. The problem wasn't the material being discussed, it was raindragon's random attitude when all i did was respond to their initial question of "I don't see how that's so sad. Why would we want them to act like real men for chrissakes?". I didn't feel like taking their shit so i told them how they were coming across, it seems to have worked. All's well that ends well~

    raindragon May 17, 2017 5:21 am
    It's not really a matter of opinion so much as common sense... people tend to connect better with things that they deem possible rather than things they deem far-fetched. You do realize that fantasy can be real... youraedthiswrogn

    so what if I come across bitchy? I don't think yaoi comes from or is about gay men. you sound like someone who thinks there can only be gay, straight, or bi. I'm someone who thinks of all this from a certain personal position, and I know exactly how I feel about it, so it does matter to me about their sexuality. There's a lot of people who don't act differently regardless of their sexuality, you know. Even though you seem just as opinionated as me, I was liking you till you started in on me about notches and bitching about my bitching.

    youraedthiswrogn May 17, 2017 7:19 am
    so what if I come across bitchy? I don't think yaoi comes from or is about gay men. you sound like someone who thinks there can only be gay, straight, or bi. I'm someone who thinks of all this from a certain... raindragon

    Okay, feel free and go away then.

    raindragon May 17, 2017 1:34 pm
    Okay, feel free and go away then. youraedthiswrogn

    ahahahah. talk about coming across like a bitch.

    youraedthiswrogn May 17, 2017 1:55 pm
    ahahahah. talk about coming across like a bitch. raindragon

    Why? Because i won't argue with you? You asked a question earlier so i answered and you got an attitude with me in your response so i've been shutting you down. I think you can understand if i come across bitchy in the process occasionally. Here, i'll ask nicely: You don't seem interested in talking so much as arguing so i don't feel like talking to you, please leave me alone.

    Kerrrr May 17, 2017 9:17 pm

    Here; let's all have a happy emoji and go listen to that airhorn version of cruel angel thesis : (=・ω・=) But seriously after my 4 hour power nap I do feel like clearing the air because this got pretty weird. 1. Youraedthiswrogn my insane half drunk rambling wasn't directed at you, it was just an open comment. Can't lie, it felt nice reading your responses, so thanks! I envy your chill and the way you effectively condense your thoughts into SHORT sentences (tee hee hee). 2. Raindragon I guess I failed to convey the humorous way I felt about your opinion. Was I bitchy really? Didn't mean to. This wasn't about sexuality, society, culture or anything similar. This was about a manga genre and poorly written unidimensional characters vs interesting ones. I could write about what I found exceptional in this particular manga and why I think people would like more of it, but I doubt anyone would be interested. Really, REALLY, I chuckled at your comment because I interpreted as a "eeewwww MEN" type of mindset... IN YAOI MANGA! and if you can't see what's so funny about it, I can't help you. That's it! Let's not debate all of the homo because.. yawn. 3. The only reason I came back is because it mortifies me to make people uncomfortable. It's stupid, but I actually like it here. I'm going through some very shitty stuff and I love the time spent here filling my mind with dicks censored like lightsabers, so I try my best to be **nice** (which I am, effortlessly). (=・ω・=).

    youraedthiswrogn May 17, 2017 10:49 pm
    Here; let's all have a happy emoji and go listen to that airhorn version of cruel angel thesis : (=・ω・=) But seriously after my 4 hour power nap I do feel like clearing the air because this got pretty ... Kerrrr

    Thank you for the happy emoji. (●'◡'●)ノ You've been really nice in all of your responses so far and so i wasn't particularly worried about the message from earlier, i just responded because you addressed me about my username and seemed nice. Thank you for all the things you said, i try not to make my responses too long and i try not to get bitchy. I don't believe raindragon every said you were bitchy either. You're right, lets all enjoy yaoi peacefully. (⌒▽⌒)

    Savlee May 20, 2020 6:50 am

    Wtf y’all be on

Kerrrr February 27, 2017 12:13 am

I hate to be *that* guy but those tattoos are
A. Fucking horrible. 90's cheese galore.
B. Impossible. Light colors won't show if they're done over an already existing dark tattoo.

    Anonymous June 8, 2017 10:54 pm

    u need to check ur eyes , they r not overlapping.

    Anonymous June 8, 2017 10:56 pm

    oh and i forgot , tattoos are as old as mankind. so shhhhh. i love tattoos , even tose "old" maori and yakuza styls

    Kerrrr June 9, 2017 4:57 am

    Yyyyes they are. I checked both my eyes and the tattoos. The snake's body in black haired dude was placed way after the big ass almost solid colored cross.
    But yeah I love tattoos too! I can't really tell how a christian cross and a snake with no shading or background are maori OR traditional japanese tho??? Also, I do know tattoos weren't invented in the 90s LOL. I meant to say these particular designs look like those temporary tattoo stickers that were so popular in the early 90s. I mean, if a mangaka is going to draw 2 tattoos for like 3 freaking panels and use them as a conclusion for the whoooole story SHE COULD DO A LOT BETTER.

Kerrrr February 26, 2017 12:53 am

"There is just *something* that's different from the people around you"

He has Son Goku's hair, you dolt.That's no mystery.
He also has his scar, built, face, .. wait....

Kerrrr February 25, 2017 6:54 am

- I blush when you're nice to me and I don't like girls.
- I don't understand!

- I feel lonely when you meet your girlfriend and I'm clearly uncomfortable around her.
- I don't understand!

*reads "Me love you long time"
- I don't understand!

- Some dude gave me mad hickeys and now that I face you I'm crying.
- I don't understand!

- I love you.
- I don't understand!

Siiiiiggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. That boy needs to be in a "special" class.

Kerrrr February 25, 2017 4:20 am

The school is full of underachieving shitty students and no teacher with ambition wants to work there. It was the only school that would hire Sensei, who has recently lost his previous job because he was caught fucking a student. Sensei targeted umm.. Seme boy because his father is a well known homophobic yakuza, so their secret relationship is safe.

    Tokumei August 9, 2017 7:55 pm

    Dude,make a manga and bless yaoi world lol(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Peach October 6, 2019 7:50 am

    'sEmE bOy'

    Peach October 6, 2019 7:50 am

    And nah

Kerrrr February 19, 2017 7:27 am

I'm trying to come up with a good plan to say the words "chicken dick hair" in real life and get away with it without explaining where it came from.

Kerrrr February 13, 2017 6:46 pm

Did that guy just think he likes a handicapped person better because he's not as loud as a woman? Lol it's the "if you have no legs you can't run away!" trope in vanilla flavour!!!!!

Kerrrr February 13, 2017 6:39 am

"There are quite a number of pure humans here" .... at a library.... lol....

Kerrrr February 7, 2017 5:56 am

And there it is. We were charmed by Yashiro. He's been desperatedly trying to convince everyone; "I like it! I like pain, abuse, disdain, the hate. I deserve and want it!" But we knew better.

Kerrrr February 5, 2017 6:19 pm

I read the whole thing again and the ending felt like a cop out. I want to like it, I want to feel happy, but I couldn't. All these broken characters were built pretty consistently through the first 3 chapters but then the "power of love" trumps all the rape, abuse, torture, gaslighting, corruption and inmorality?
That doesn't feel like character development, that's character REWRITE. I wanted a different kind of happy ending where both could be free from each other and slowly start licking their wounds. Shoes for orphans.. come on.. COME ON!!!!!

    Luna (previously Anonimo) February 7, 2017 7:42 pm

    Sadly, I'm agree with you. And I say sadly because Ogawa Sensei is one of my top five, and it was a good story with interesting development. I was all in for a "happy ending" but not like this AT ALL! I just don't understand why she decided to ended it like that, especially when psychological drama plots are her best ones, twisted and all, she gave them a proper happy ending. But ok, since I love her I still give 4 stars because the expectations created and her exquisite and exclusive art. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Yaoifangal February 17, 2017 3:20 pm

    I feel the same way it was like yeah yuriy was used and abused for the sake of the brand by Adam and his uncle. But that ok because Adam finally feel in love with him and all is now forgiven wtf. And why did the story had to go that route like Adam had to be drugged for him to even sleep with yurih not on his own accord. It didn't feel real and I felt like it was a lazy ending an after thought.

    manganiME February 27, 2017 2:06 pm

    It's based on a tragic fairy tale, and Ogawa likely decided to use the "magic kiss of love" trope to change it from tragedy to happy ending.

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