Bro, you're kidding me, right? I hope you actually don't live in Vatican city and read yaoi/shounen-ai THERE..If you do, well then, I like you〜
And best of luck

Me in Città del Vaticano? Only a tiny piece of my soul remains there, locked in an unholy vase buried somewhere. The rest of me successfully escaped and I don't even want that piece back anymore.
Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm back from the dead but it took a while. Thank you for your good wishes, I think they worked :)

Dude who can blame you, cut yourself some slack. The world going to shit is nothing new but the particular circumstances of these past months have some of us on the brink of self destruction. I'm very sorry to hear you're going through a rough time. Are you doing a little better now? I hope your were able to take a breather reading some manga. Sometimes indulging in a hobby helps you heal and your perspective gets a little more accurate after being lost in fantasy for a few hours.
Best wishes to you :)

Thing is, I tried coming out to my parents a little while ago as bisexual ( still not sure whether i am asexual or not) and they said "It most probably is a phase. I know you are straight." Like, hell no. I have been dropping hints as huge and explosive as bombs about the fact that I am queer, but no, she wouldn't accept that..
She is quite a rebel and supports the lgbtq community, she even cried twice seeing transgender -related sad films. But whenever I bring up the topic of how much I support them, she asks me why am I so obssessed with them(bragging, Ik but I read up A LOT on lgbt- the anatomy, the hormones, the mind analysis, some jokes and comebacks, watched literally every single video related to queer oppression and etc.)
She says- "Listen I know you are straight cisgender, I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Concentrate on you studies. Other people except than the lgbt are oppressed too, yk?"
I know that, but I just love MY community so much :) I feel proud and wanna come out but she doesn't even acknowledge it. She cried watching transgender oppression films, but when I talk about diff genders, she cringes and makes a disgusted face.
Sorry for my rant, I was just pent up..

If anybody is still confused, chapters 6 and 7 belong to a different manga. Astral Project ran for 4 volumes. It was licensed and published in it's entirety by the now defunct CMX. I don't think this will ever be uploaded since it's so old and there are english publications available. If you want to find a copy, consider that Marginal is Garon Tsuchiya's alias.