Don't get me wrong I'm glad to see their past but that doesn't why he disappeared so suddenly

I think you’re confused between the characters lol. Rakka is the prequel. The characters here are not the main characters of Rakka. This is like a spin-off of the second couple from Rakka. The mc in this story, never quit his job because he never worked at the place that ML worked at. The mc works at a different place and is a host. The ML works at the place on the story and is like a manager. MC was fired or transferred from his host job.
I think you’re getting the characters mixed up since the main couple in Rakka are different.

Just look at the characters side by side, you’ll see that they’re completely different.
Anyways the Uke in this story slept with the Seme here once and they didn’t see each other after that (since they just met and didn’t know anything about each other), and from that point on the Uke tried doing it with other guys to feel the same feeling he got when he had sex with the Seme. The Seme and Uke were living their own separate lives until they met again years later. Then they started this sex friends situation.

Yeah no, those aren’t the same characters. The characters from Rakka won’t appear in this story. The main characters from Rakka already finished their story there. These are new main characters and it’s only about these characters.
The ML here never went to look for the mc and the mc never quit his job.

Yeah i mean this character not main from the prequel the main reason i used mc and ml because i suck at spelling names and in the spinoff (not the housekeeper part) it switches to him so technically that make mc in his part. Also also the ml did try to find him but he quit and proceed to find the same sensation for what the mc did. Don't believe me here's what I'm talking about
And yes he did quit

OHH I see the reason you got confused. You used the term MC and ML incorrectly. MC refers to the main character, and the person whose point of view take place in the story. ML refers to male lead which is the love interest of the main character. Everyone considers the Uke to be the mc, and the Seme to be the ML. The main story that just finished (this one) had the point of view of the Uke. I definitely think it would be easier for you to learn their names as it confuses both yourself and others that answer your questions. The second part of the story has the ML’s point of view and backstory. But he would still be thought of as the ML by most people.

Don't get me wrong they're the rights to be angry at us for reading illegally and they're apologise to the twitter user but why they're go to racist town. Like insult us for ungrateful to you, or tell us how it hurt you, but i don't get why they're have to be racist. Is nobody making them hold accountable for that

They didn't apologize :( all dhe did was "I'm not your mother and your not in kindergarten if your feeling is hurt there no need for me to explain." She didn't even apologize to ashe who even cited her work properly and everything. She had 500k followers and I'd She was that hurt by ashe comment (which wasn't even bad but cute and fluffy au) she could have privately messaged her

Spoiler Alert...
When they mentioned she have secret boyfriend my first thought "Oh... He be typical nice guy" but when it revealed the mom was with a woman in car I literally go "Whoooooo middle age lesbian widow goooo!" but it revealed the mom recently was big ideal fan amd the girl has the same interests with her. Like give me a middle age mom bi please it very good miss opportunity!!!

When this comic started i check the author/artist twitter regularly before and check her other works and for the character charr isn't some random character it's her other work called brother in arms she has the ask the person who she used to work for permission to used this character. Why she randomly do this, i don't know?And brother in arms is pretty good series beside the incest (yes this there incest! I don't why it's added, it so unnecessary because the mc isn't unfazed any of this!) that deal with loss of love one dealing with high expectation and the fear commenting new love greaded it has few issues.
And I'm 100% with you people I don't why the author do this because the reviewer were pretty into the found family maybe she running out of material
"When I'm gonna meet my grandkids"
Grandpa they just move in calm down man