Decensored, Shouldnt it be uncensored?
Just a guess but uncensored usually means some official version is there without lightsabers. Like English or Taiwanese official translations that don't have censored panels. There the dicks etc are drawn by the original artist.
Whereas decensored means it was uncensored BY the scan group, as in the group has someone to draw the dicks, so it's not wholly the original artist's work. Ig they call it decensored so as not to be confused with officials' uncensored.
Im not sure if this is a sequel but why does it seem like its missing a whole chunk of the story, these are not all the chapters, like its missing a lot of chapters if you compare it to the official video manga read a long on youtube, I just binged watched the videos and see the inconsistencies with the chapters published here.
There used to be all the chapters on here but some of them got deleted