I'm glad it's being remastered. I like the artists new style (without all the crows feet) better and also appreciate the restructuring. I think the last one got a little confusing in some places that distracted from the uwu story. If nothing else, hopefully the names don't change two thirds in. Lololol

yeah def agree. i really hope this one sticks more to developing the rship b/t the charactes in that same cute, healthy way it did b4. those were the best parts. i dont want it to go to some random side couple, bc that's what happened during like the 3rd act of the original story and it was confusing af

Anyone ever notice how movie theaters aren't free and that it takes months/years to get it on the tv?
Their are lots of people who may be willing to pay because of impatience, but probably wouldn't if every movie was simultaneously released in movies and on home media. The movie industry and artists make most of their money off of films through this method of initial release to theaters and then, AFTER A WAITING PERIOD, to home media & streaming.
It's really not that difficult of a concept to grasp.

i think it's because they want the period of the movie to last long. like what if the avengers had a new movie and everything came out in one day. (which i think would be petty cool.) then everyone would buy all of their stuff and it would be sold out over a short time period. So i think they do that so they can maybe make it last. i might be wrong though. and that LONG period that the movies take to get to streaming really do be giving me stress. i be like why you do this to me
( ̄へ ̄).
(just to let you know, i have no clue how i can explained it, i tried)
I'm glad others are saying the ending was rushed. I finished the last two chapters and felt like either I missed something or that the previous chapters were all pointless. I feel like "rushed" is a nicer way to label my opinions about the ending.