i liked that the truth is already out and no need to drag it for another season or two love it. i love her mom and sister too.
now these comments bashing on how she looks? eungyo couldnt get a break from all these men and now yall too
man im tired. she always meet these guys who have motives to her I WANT EUNGYEO TO BE HAPPY
this is soooo sweet :) easy read. they're both drawn pretty
man i’m afraid all the lies they kept feeding her will explode and will hurt her again :< BUT DAMN JAEHEON IS SO HOT
i drink every time he calls her “pet”. i’m now drunk
felt sooo bad for og doyoon ye :( i hope he’s at peace now :(
i turn my cheer music up and I'm puffing my chest~
translations are off but omg the puppy cry is so cute :(