It's about two brothers, the younger brother killed his older brother by pushing him off the stairs secretly because he was jealous of him. While they were holding a funeral for his death, the younger brother meets a man and sleeps with him then the guy says his older brother wishes to see him and then reveals he has one of his older brother's bones with him which grants the younger brother to see him in kind of a hallucinating way
hi everyone, i recently read a psychological yaoi manga where there's this man and his older brother, he lost both of his parents to a "mantis" (whom he believes is his brother) and he only has his wife and butler (he and his butler has an affair). His older brother has problems in the head so he was locked up, so the younger brother was the heir. I forgot the what the title is and all I can remember was "mantis". can anyone help me? thanks uwu
I think it might be this http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tourou_no_ori/ ^^
well if you think about it kamiki is just a lame ex boyfriend who couldn’t let go of the past
The ultimate evil ex he would do numbers in scott pilgrim