He had been waiting in the orphanage when his biological father found him and decided to take him ba...
- Author: yoshida chiyu
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen Ai
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Shounen Ai
For those who like their love interests/semes unhinged, I present to you a list of yandere ones!
Most of them (because some I’ll just put on this list without ranking them) will be categorized by “Possessive,” “Obsessive,” etc; the intensity of which will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being mild and 5 being EXTREME. I’ll also include what type of yandere they are as well as a one liner that sorta summarizes their yandereness (or a quote if words can’t describe them)!
shounen-ai ver.
- High
(Rating: 3.5- 5)
May include heavy words and acts
- Mild
(Rating: >2-3.4)
May Include heavy words and threats but did not commit them
- Low
May Include claiming words (you're mine) and jealousy
(Rating 1-2)
Spicy level(how intense the seg scene is)
Highly recommend