This chapter. Oh my god. Chapter 60 is definitely my new favorite chapter of all time now. I just never saw any of that coming. This whole chapter was an epic plot twist to me. I can't wait to see what happens next! This story just became infinitely more intense. Things are going to get really interesting from here on out!
Also, I'm sooooo proud of Donghyuk for standing up to Yule, even if it has potentially dire consequences. And I love how Yule is just in complete and utter shock this whole time. (Me too, Yule!) It once again shows his more vulnerable side, which I absolutely love. And even the brother made pretty decent sense every time he spoke to Kyungsoo. Now I really can't predict what will happen next!
Guys, I gotta say it: this feels like one of the more realistic stories I've ever come across. Most people, at one point or another in their lives, end up falling for a friend. And it's a fine line to walk whether to confess to that person or keep such a secret. And even after a confession, it could ruin the friendship or it could end up as something more. And if you go out but break up later do you remain friends after all that has happened?
It's hard to work out. And everyone has different experiences. But not everyone ends up with that person, that friend. Most people don't end up with their first loves either, no matter how much they wanted it to work out. It's all part of gaining life experiences and learning, and gaining wisdom.
I think this story ended well. They were never mean to be more than friends. Hyunwoo was simply not about that life in the same way that Subin was. They may have been reading the same book, but they were just clearly not on the same page as the saying goes. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. That's just how life goes sometimes.
In the end, Subin matures greatly and comes to understand this. And 2 years is a good amount of time for once heated feelings to cool down, enough to let Subin interact with Hyunwoo and vice versa, and for them to accept where the other person is at in their respective lives.
As someone who once initially shipped Hyunwoo and Subin: I genuinely think this is a good, if not great ending, to the story. To me it doesn't feel rushed or sudden or incomplete, and though I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I don't understand why the ending is getting so much hate. To have wanted them to end up together is legitimate, I too wanted it at first; but this ending just depicts how life doesn't always follow the same path that you want it to, and that it is also OK for things to not go how you wanted them to. It's so well done and so realisitc that I can't help but love the ending.
Thanks to anyone who read my entire post, and sorry it was so long!
The c'est la vie ending is realistic, sure, but it's execution is terrible.
The idea that Subin stays with Hyung, the idea that Subin makes a 'stupid' decision and chooses Hyunwoo, the idea that Subin turns his red-haired friend bi and dumps them both etc etc are all realistic. Any idea can be 'realistic' as long as it's convincing.
I'm thinking: this was not even close.
At first I shipped Subin and Hyunwoo and I thought Kang Jun deserved someone better than Subin, but now I'm all for Subin and Jun to be together and be happy. This is really good character development for them all and honestly it seems more realistic to not end up with your first love. Sometimes things just don't work out like that, no matter how hard you want them to. I really think it's better this way now.